Lynn checked her watch for the thirtieth time in an hour. One o’clock. The incense must have burned out by now. It had only been one stick, and a small one at that.
Softly turning the knob of Justin’s bedroom, she was greeted with the powerful perfume of the Dreamrood incense that she’d lit before her son had gone to bed.
“It’ll help you sleep,” she told his doubtful face, a couple of hours earlier. “My friend Marcy swears by them. Just try it. For me?”
Now, Lynn stood by his door, anxiously waiting for the last few wisps of soporific smoke to waft out of the room. There was no sense in entering into a trance herself, was there?
“Justin, honey? Are you asleep?” She called quietly from the doorway, her heart pounding with excitement. Recieving no response, she slid open the knot in her dressing gown, revealing the still-trim body of a fit woman in her forties, one that never failed to turn heads. Just not the head she wanted.
Shedding the gown, she padded over the soft carpet towards the recumbent figure of her son. Pulling the covers away, Lynn gazed hungrily at his slim, muscular form, clad only in a pair of boxer briefs. As a final test to see how truly deep he was under, she quickly pinched his sensitive upper thigh. Justin’s leg twitched reflexively, but his face remained a peaceful blank.
The bedsprings protested slightly as Lynn sat down next
to her son, her fingers running down his chest, relishing the smooth young skin, the downy, kinky treasure trail that led her hand to the fat slug of flesh stuffed in the left leg of his underwear. Slipping her hand inside the slit in the front of the briefs, she fondled his his hairy balls for a moment, savouring their size, and dreaming about the creamy load inside them. Then she began to caress his cock, feeling the flesh quickly fill with blood. Soon, it was a tall, throbbing staff of boy-meat. A groan escaped Justin’s lips while Lynn played with his dick.
“Justin, honey?” She said softly, bending close to his ear. “I know you’re asleep, soooo deep asleep, but I want you to answer me as if you were awake. Do you understand?”
“Yes,” slipped past his lips. Lynn giggled with glee. Finally, after all her planning, research, and so many horny, lonely nights, everything was coming together!
“Sweetheart? Do you know who’s talking to you right now?” She began to stroke him slowly, taking her time, relishing the size and power of his cock.
“Mom,” he mumbled.
“Good boy,” she squeezed the head of his dick lightly, as a reward. “That’s for being a good boy. Every time you give me a right answer, you’ll feel like this.” She teased his cockhead again, and he moaned. “Now, do you think mommy’s pretty?”
“Yes.” *Squeeze.* “You’re beautiful, mom.” *Squeeze squeeze.* “Absolutely gorgeousssaaaaaahh…” Three hard pumps of his teenaged staff drew a cry of pleasure from his lips.
“What about sexy? Do you think mommy’s sexy?” It was a long shot, but it had to be tried. A correct answer would mean a shortcut through everything that would have to be otherwise done to wear down his resistance.
He seemed to consider this. “No,” Justin replied, after a moment’s deliberation. When no rewarding touch came, his body sagged with disappointment.
“Honey? Do you know the saying, ‘Mother knows best?'”
“Yes.” *squeeze*
“Good. Now, anytime I ask you to do something, or tell you something that seems wrong to you, I want you to remember that saying, because it’s the truest thing you’ve ever heard. Understand?”
“Yes.” *Squeeze squeeze*
“So, who knows best?”
“You doooo…” Lynn palmed his glans, her hand slick with precum.
“Who’s the sexiest woman you can think of? Who gets your big young cock the hardest?”
“A-adriana Lima,” he stammered. The name meant nothing to Lynn, but judging by the speed at which certain parts of her mail disappeared, she guessed that it was one of those lithe young sluts in the Victoria’s Secret Catalog.
“Yeah? Do you masturbate to her a lot?”
“Yes! YES!”
“Just once a day, or more than that?”
“T-two, three times a day. Once it was si- oh jeeeez! Oh god, oh six, six times!” Lynn’s pussy quivered at the thought of six times in one day. Such a young stallion had to be bridled before someone else got her claws into him.
“That’s excellent, honey. What I want you to do is to keep spanking to young Miss Lima, every chance you get. Every time you’re alone in your room, I want you stroking that pole to her. But when you’re on the verge of spilling your hot cream for her, it’s my face you’ll see, not hers. My body, not hers. Do you understand?”
“Yes! I under-oooh, I understaaahnd!”
“Whose face will you see?”
“Yours! Yours!”
“Whose body?”
“Yours, mom…yours!”
“That’s right, and when you do, you’ll feel as hot, and hard, and horny as you are right now…hornier than you’ve ever felt before, and you won’t be able to stop yourself from cumming, from spewing all that wonderful cum as hard as you can. Now repeat that back to me”
“I won’t be ahhhble to st-stop myself from cum-cum-cumming, when I see your face, your boooody!”
“Not hers?”
“No, not-not HERS!” Lynn had slipped her mouth over his cock, her plush lips stretching to the limit to accomodate the mammoth pole. Her tongue swept the underside, relishing the fresh taste of her son’s virgin dick. Idly, she considered simply mounting him right then and there, fucking his wee little brains out. But as much as she needed this young spear plowing her soaking pussy, Lynn knew she had to wait. This had to proceed slowly, or else the conditioning might break, or his mind might break. And while she harboured the most unholy lust for the boy, he was still her son.
With a sigh, she pulled her head off his dick.
“Excellent. Now, you’re going to forget we had this conversation, but you’ll remember what I told you to do, won’t you?”
“Yessss,” he hissed through clenched teeth while she played with his cock.
“Good boy. You’ll sleep soundly tonight, and in the morning you’ll awake refreshed, and as horny as you are right now. You’ll ask me if I can give you more Dreamrood tomorrow night. Understand?”
“Oh, god YES!” His hips pumped as he strove to fuck her clenching fist.
“Sweet dreams, darling. And I’ll see you in the morning.” Giving his cock one last pump, Lynn rose, and kissed him once on the forehead, a motherly gesture made obscene by the massive dick that quivered with lust by her design.
Standing, she scooped her robe from the floor and returned to her own room, a hot date with her vibrator in the offing. Lynn smiled as she closed her son’s door, knowing that soon “Mr. Happy” would be as obsolete as rotary phones.
* * *
Lynn sat next to her son at the dinner table, watching him wolf down his supper as fast as he could. Even though her husband had been gone for years, they still sat in their usual spots, Lynn at the head and Justin in the nearest seat on the outside.
Justin, for his part, kept his head down, and tried to look at Lynn as little as humanly possible. Every time she’d seen him today, he had taken one look, blushed a red so deep it was almost purple, and ran for his bedroom to hide.
Watching his cute butt run back up the stairs, Lynn had pictured him stroking that huge young cock of his again, spewing all that sweet virgin cream while thinking of her. She, herself, had had to retreat to her own bedroom once today to take care of the ache between her slim thighs.
“Justin, honey,” she touched his hand. He jerked as though proded with a hot poker, and flushed again.
“Are you okay? You seem awfully quiet, today.” It was difficult to keep the laughter out of her voice, though she did feel somewhat bad for the intense guilt he must be feeling. _Don’t worry, baby. That’ll all go away soon. This is just the first step._
His eyes met hers for just a moment, then flicked back down to his plate as his colour deepened. “No. I’m fine, mom.” Typical sullen answer from a teenager. Then again, it’s not as if she was expecting him to say, _Gee, mom. I jerked off five times today, and every time I came, I was thinking of you and not the pretty young thing in your lingerie catalogue. I don’t know why, but it was so hot, I just couldn’t stop myself._
While she sought his hand again, her other had slipped underneath the table to surreptitiously rub the front of her little khaki shorts, the ones that made all of Justin’s friends goggle at her as she walked through a room, their eyes glued to her beautiful legs, or her succulent little ass as it sashayed past. A chorus of cock, all for her, all those hard young dicks saluting her still-gorgeous body. Only once had she dared to sample from the herd of bright young studs that Justin regularly led through her house, a delightful Latino boy whose parents were moving the next day, taking him somewhere he could tell all his friends about the hot soccer mom who fucked his virginity away. Lynn’s cunt quivered, remembering that slim, powerful body beneath hers, his hips slamming against her tight, muscular form, his cock plowing her tight, underused pussy. He’d gone all night, after Justin went to bed, and all she could think while the young bull fucked her to one gushing orgasm after another was _Justin’s bigger than this. He’s stronger, too. I wish this was him, I wish it was his cock buried inside me._ Once, she thought she’d even cried out his name, but Oscar had taken no notice.
While she pawed her cunt underneath the table, Justin finished his supper, and rose, taking his dishes into the kitchen. He hurried back out again, heading upstairs to “safety.” Lynn grinned, watching him go.
“Wanna rent a movie tonight?” She asked his cute little butt. He stopped short on the second stair, and blushed again.
“Yeah, sure. Whatever.” His feet pounded their way back towards his room, and Lynn unbuttoned her shorts, giving her questing fingers free access to the wet pussy inside. While he was in his room, he’d be cumming for her, and when he wasn’t in his room, she’d take every pain to remind him that he had.
* * *
The scent of Dreamrood wafted out as she opened his door and she breathed deeply of it, knowing that it smelt of submission, sex, and the fruits of a well-laid plan.
The deep, steady breaths of her son let Lynn know that he was once more in the grips of the Dreamrood incense, his body inert, his mind laid open to suggestion. Slipping out of her silk dressing gown, she softly padded over to Justin’s bed.
“Justin, honey?” She softly called, “do you remember what I told you last night? The truest thing you’ve ever heard?”
“Mother knows best,” he mumbled.
“Excellent,” she said, leaning down to kiss him on the chest. “Now how did you feel today?”
“Horny. Guilty.” The two words almost seemed to fight their way out of his mouth. Lynn gave him a congratulatory fondle, feeling his limp cock rapidly rise to the occasion. Her soft, plush lips kissed their way through the downy hair running from his navel to his boxers.
“Because you kept seeing me when you masturbated?” Her voice was muffled by his body, but the question was clear.
“Yes,” he hissed as her little fingers slipped inside the boxers.
“How did you see me when you came?” Her lips stretched almost painfully wide to accomodate the large head of his cock.
Justin seemed to think about this while his mom’s head bobbed up and down on his dick, sending as yet unknown thrills of pleasure through his virgin body.
“I don’t, ah! Know. Just, you know, youuuuu.” He grunted as he hit bottom in his mom’s throat, and she swallowed around him.
Lynn slid him out of her mouth, and gave Justin a hard look. That wouldn’t do. If he didn’t start seeing her for the sexy bitch she was, he wouldn’t come around. He’d just go crazy with guilt, and she definitely didn’t want _that_ to happen.
“Alright, here’s what you’re going to do,” she said, alternating the words between slurps on his cock. “When I get home from work tomorrow…”
* * *
The following afternoon, Lynn arrived home and, as usual, kissed her son on the forehead as he zoned out in front of the TV. Once more, he blushed and jerked away from her touch. Smiling inwardly, she turned and mounted the stairs, heading for her bedroom.
The stiff white fabric of her white shirt-dress was a little uncomfortable in the summer heat, but it hugged her every curve like a lover’s caress. A little inappropriate for work, maybe, but she certainly hadn’t heard any complaints; there had been more than a few wolf-whistles from the construction yard across from her building, though. It didn’t hurt matters that the top three buttons were undone, revealing a lot of tanned cleavage, nor that there was a five-inch slit in the knee-length skirt, showing off a fair amount of leg. The high- heeled white sandals almost definitely helped.
Entering her bedroom, Lynn pushed the door to, but not shut. A crack between door and frame opened up, just wide enough for an observer to see the foot of the bed, and her full-length mirror just beyond.
Sitting on the foot of her bed, Lynn unbound her long, silky hair, and sent it tumbling down over her shoulders as she shook her head. If a floorboard creaked in the hall outside, she showed no sign of hearing it. In the mirror, Lynn thought she saw the door move, ever so slightly, the crack opening just a bit.
Looking at her reflection, she began teasing open the buttons of her dress, one by one, creating a deep vee of flesh that slowly widened as her bosom pushed the lapels wider. When she reached the last button at her waist, Lynn shrugged out of the fabric. Her breasts, perfect handfuls of lightly tanned titflesh, bobbed into view, capped by little pink nipples that crinkled in the air. Still staring at her own reflection, Lynn cupped one tit and started to play with the nipple, mewling quietly.
“Ooooh, yeah, honey,” she murmured to an unseen lover, “pinch my nipple, suck it into your mouth. Bite it. Harder. Harder!” Lynn gasped loudly as she twisted it hard, biting her lip as if to keep quiet.
Standing, she let the rest of the dress puddle around her dainty feet. Kicking it to one side, she surveyed her body. If there was an observer, sitting outside her door, cock in hand, masturbating furiously without any real idea as to why, he had a doubly good view of her trim form. From behind, he could see the way her curly brown locks tickled the small of her back, just above the tight, round curves of her buttocks; a tiny white thong bisected the ripe globes of her ass, the scandalously small string drawing the eye down through the deep, delicious crevice between her cheeks to the barely-contained, pouting peach of her pussy. Her legs went “all the way up,” muscles sharply defined by the tall heels she was perched upon. The reflection in the mirror was no less appealing. Pouty, smiling lips promised unknown delights to young flesh. Both hands fondled and pinched sensitive, firm mammaries that were by no means huge, but fit her slim frame perfectly. A trim abdomen led to a slender waist, and the low- cut white panties with a lacy pattern _just_ sheer enough to prove no evidence of much pubic hair.
“You’ve still got it, baby,” Lynn told her reflection. “There’s not a man alive who could resist _this_.” Licking her lips greedily, one hand stole down inside her panties, fondling the slick flesh within. She moaned, and after a moment, brought wet fingers back up, taking time to lick each one clean. If there was a thud outside, as of someone reeling in arousal and surprise, she gave no notice.
“God, I need _cock_,” she complained. “Some nice, big, hard, young _cock_. Someone to plow me all night, and still ask for more in the morning. Someone like…” Lynn looked in the mirror, eyeing not herself, but the widening crack.
Had someone been outside, pants around his knees, fucking his fist as furiously as only a teenager can, he would have seen her walk out of sight, towards the night stand, and heard a drawer open.
“This’ll have to do, I guess.” Lynn walked back into view, completely naked now, the landing strip of pubic hair pointing the way to her cunt. In her hand was a surprisingly realistic rubber dong. If there was someone outside, he might have thought, “not as big as mine,” proudly, though without knowing why. She kissed the thick head of the imitation cock, drooling wetly over the rubber. Sitting down at the foot of her bed again, she ran the dildo down between her breasts, and over her trim tummy, leaving a shining path of saliva. By the time it reached the apex of her thighs, Lynn was lying back on her bed, upper body out of field of vision, but beautiful legs and delicious ass still very much in view.
“Yessss,” she hissed, “I just _love_ that beautiful boy-cock of yours, honey. Why don’t you stop teasing me and just put that fucking dick in my hot cunt? Oh gaaaawd, yes… I can feel all that hard meat just filling me up, stretching my poor little pussy. It’s soooo tight, isn’t it? That’s because I haven’t been fucked by a real man in a long, long time, baby. My ex was a dickless wonder, I could hardly feel him inside me at all; but you, you’ve got sooo much _cock_, so _big_, so _hard_. But who told you to take it slow? When I want you to make love to me, I’ll tell you. Right now, I just want to be fucked, fast and hard. Your big cock has got me right on the edge, and I want you to pound me right over. Oh, shit yeah, that’s right, fuck me harder, I want to feel those big balls of yours slap my asshole. Harder, you young fucker! Ream my little pussy! If pound mamma’s cunt good, maybe I’ll let you take my ass! Oh, yeah! Fuck me! Fuckme! FuckmefuckmefuckmefuckMEEEEEE!!!” Her voice became a wordless cry of pleasure as she fucked herself into orgasm, her voice so loud that there was no way she could have heard a muffled grunt outside the door, no way she could have heard the wet splats that followed, no way she could have heard the rustle of desperate hands wiping up a sticky mess with a shirt.
Ten minutes later, she strode out of her room again, comfortably clad in a white tank-top and those little khaki shorts. Eyeing her doorframe, she noted a shimmering mess on the painted wood, somewhat poorly cleaned up. Sticking a finger in it, Lynn noted that it was still warm, and incredibly thick. “Sweet too,” she muttered with a smile as she tasted her fingertip. It was his first real tribute to her, and it tasted like victory.
Lynn descended the stairs, looking forward to another evening with her son, teasing him, feeling his discomfort, knowing that he would find himself growing hard in her presence, now, just from the memory that his afternoon orgasm had given.
Her own hot cunt, still sticky from her adventure with the dildo, twitched at the thought. She gave herself a quick feel as she came down the stairs.
With a thundering noise, Justin rushed past her, almost knocking his mom down in her reverie.
“GottagomomJaycalledIllbebacktonight!” He shouted as he ran.
Thinks he can get away scott free, does he? Lynn thought, watching him go. Well, just wait ’til he gets home. Her fingers dipped into her now damp shorts, and began stroking her wet little clit.
* * *
Later that evening, some time around two, when Justin opened the front door as quiety as only a teenager knows how, he was probably dismayed to see that the lights in living room were still ablaze, and the TV roared. That meant sneaking in would be next to impossible, and he’d have to face his mom.
He gulped, and adjusted the fat slug in his pants.
Slipping past the living room, he saw that while the TV was on, his mom lay on the couch, curled up. Shoes in hand, tiptoeing through to the safety of the stairs, he took a second look. Her breathing was soft, deep and even. Dead to the world, apparently. She was wearing a long, blue dressing gown, the fabric having slipped away from her legs, revealing miles of soft, creamy flesh.
Justin stopped cold, staring at his mom’s gams, watching the way she flexed and rubbed one on the other in absent sleep. He adjusted his growing erection again.
She muttered in her sleep, something about “big young cock,” and shifted her legs again, this time spreading her thighs ever so slightly. The catch in his breathing was audible. He could just see the smooth-shaven mound of her pussy, puffy outer labia cushioning the delicate petals of her inner lips. Beads of moisture rolled out from the hot, waiting hole between her legs. He began to stroke his dick through his pants, remembering the wet smacks of the dildo as she pounded her pussy, crying out for a big, fat cock just like his!
“Mmmm yeah,” she mumbled. “Take it out, show me your dick, let me see how big your cock is.” In an aroused daze, he complied. Mother Knows Best, a little voice said. Not that he’d whip it out if she were awake, of course not. But a little surreptitous jerking never hurt anybody.
Lynn rolled over onto her back, spreading her legs wide. Her eyes were still closed, and she spoke as in a dream.
“Fuck me, honey…fuck my cunt. Mmmm, yes.. fuck me… just like that,” her face was a mask of pleasure.
Justin’s cock was leaking all over his hand, now, staring at his mother’s splayed thighs, at the hungry, pink mouth between them, hearing her cries for a cock…a big cock…his cock…
His knees trembled, and before he could stop himself, he was cumming, rope after rope of thick, creamy spunk squirting all over his hand, the couch, and two or three blasts on his mom’s tanned thighs. A final feeble squirt landed on her slim, delectable toes, and he snapped back to reality. The enormity of what he’d done, blown a big load of hot jizz all over his mother, came slamming down over him, and Justin ran out of the room, not caring if she heard him, wanting only to go to sleep, and hopefully discover that it had all been a dream.
Lynn watched him go, knowing that before his head ever touched the pillow, he’d light a stick of Dreamrood, opening his mind for the third night in a row. Giggling softly, she began spreading his cream over the smooth flesh of her calves and thighs, relishing the smell, and occasionally tasting her fingers.
Playing with him like this was almost as much fun as fucking.
* * *
Three a.m. found Lynn slinking into her son’s room, robe already on the floor outside, breasts bobbing with each step.
“Hello, darling,” she said, leaning over his blank face, brushing her nipples against his smooth chest. Kissing Justin on his slack lips, she sat down next to him, running her hand all over his torso.
“Where did you go tonight?”
“Jay was having a party.”
“Were you trying to get away from your mom?”
“Yes…no…Jenny was there.” Her hand stopped.
“Who’s Jenny?”
“A girl. We’ve been out once or twice. She let me touch her tits, once. I think she’s going to let me go all the way.”
Slut. “Are you going to see Jenny again soon?”
“‘Morrow night, maybe…”
“Honey, do you remember who knows best?”
“You do, mom.” He sighed as her hand began massaging the head of his dick.
“Which means that whatever I tell you has to be true, right?”
“Ye- ah! Yes, mom!” His breath quickened as she palmed his cock.
“So, when I say Jenny’s little cunt has been fucked by pigs, then that’s true?”
“And if I tell you that she lets dogs rape her asshole, then that’s true as well?”
“Yes.” More confidently, now, as she rewarded him.
“Do you still like her, now that you know she’s an animal-fucking slut?”
“Good. So, tomorrow, you’ll call her and cancel your date?”
“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Her fingers were doing something at the base of his dick.
“You’d rather spend the evening with me anyway, wouldn’t you?”
“Um…ohhh, yessss…”
“You like looking at me, don’t you? I know you’ve been touching yourself, watching me.”
“Oh, god, yes!”
“And didn’t that feel good?”
“Sooo fucking good, mom…”
“So what are you going to do?”
“C-cancel with pig-slut,” she slurped his leaky knob into her mouth, “so I can spend the night w-ith youuuuuuu!” His voice devolved into a cry as she slowly buried her nose in his pubic hair.
After holding him deep in her throat for a while, she slid his throbbing meat out of her mouth, and sat up again, jerking him with quick, sharp strokes.
“Honey,” she said breathlessly, “in a moment I’m going to let you smell something. It will be the most wonderful scent, making your cock harder than iron, and your will softer than butter. Do you understand?”
“Harder than ah! iron…s-softer than b-butter…”
“That’s right…the more you smell, the hornier you’ll get. The hornier you are, the weaker, the more seduced you’ll feel. Slowly, your inhibitions will melt away with the aroma; all you will care about is the need you feel in your big, stiff cock.”
“In my big, stiff cock,” he repeated after her, swallowing her instructions.
“It may take time, but slowly, inexorably, you will fall under the soft, sweet spell that this scent casts over you, seducing your will, sapping your power to resist it, or the woman whose spell it is. No matter who she is, she will become irresistable in your eyes…seducing you with her body, with her touch, her aroma, her very glance. Do you understand, sweetheart?”
“Y-YES!” The strokes came faster, now, driving Justin to the brink of orgasm.
Reaching between her legs, she slowly drew her fingers across her sopping wet pussy lips. Fingertips dripping with her sweet girl goo, Lynn smeared her pungent cunt cream all over his upper lip.
“Breathe deeply, now, darling. The more you take in, the better you feel…” She repeated this like a mantra, jerking Justin’s cock faster, her hand a blur on his meat, her fingers playing over his lips and nose, watching him try to vacuum in every particle of her creamy perfume.
“Thaaat’s right, so horny now…so seduced…getting ready to cum, now, driven right to the edge by this smell…so sweet…but you can’t.” She took her hand away from her son’s member, much to his shock and dismay. “Not until the woman who possesses this aroma says you can… as horny as you’ll be, as much as you’ll jerk that cock, it locks all that sweet sperm in your fat balls…until she says otherwise… understand?”
“Yes,” he said, disappointed.
“Don’t worry my sweet boy, she may be closer than you think.” Kissing him again on the forehead, Lynn left as quietly as she had entered.
* * *
Justin slammed the phone back onto its cradle. “Bitch,” he muttered, then smiled to himself, as if enjoying a private joke.
Lynn, sitting on the couch not ten feet away, was pretty sure she’d heard a girl’s voice on the other end, protesting loudly. What Justin had said had been far enough under his breath for her not to hear, but she was reasonably certain of the basics.
“Hot date?” She asked in a coy voice. Justin grunted in the negative, and slumped around to flop down on the couch. Lynn curled long, brown legs under her tight little behind to give him room. The hem of her clingy pink terry skirt rose well above her knees as she did. Her son couldn’t quite hide the way his hot gaze raked its way up her slender stems. Lynn smiled inwardly. “Another night around the old homestead, then?” She stretched her legs back out again, rucking the hem of the skirt up even higher, giving Justin an ample view of her tightly muscled thighs. Her tanned little toes wiggled in front of him as she faked a long yawn, pushing her tits up against the thin fabric of her white tank top. His nose twitched once, and his body jerked just a little.
“You don’t mind spending another night with your old ma, do you?” Lynn relaxed her legs, and allowed her feet to “accidentally” come to rest in Justin’s lap. The hem of the skirt had crawled up so high that had she rolled over, half of her succulent round buttocks would have been in plain sight. As it was, the hem shaded only the very junction of her thighs, where a hot, wet pussy wept. Lynn let her son’s eyes wander all over the exposed skin and linger at the shade between her thighs before pretending to notice.
“Geez, honey,” she began to wriggle, pulling her skirt down. “Why didn’t you tell me I looked like that?”
“Dunno,” he muttered. “It’s not like I was looking.” There was no conviction in his voice, and the bulge in his pants (one Lynn confirmed by wiggling her soft little feet all over his lap) said differently. In her struggles to pull the hem of the skirt down, she had inadvertently pulled the waistband down along with it, far below her navel and over her lush hips. They sat like that for an hour or so, watching some vapid crap on the tube, Lynn occasionally rubbing her heels against her son’s stiff cock, Justin trying to pretend that he wasn’t looking at his mom’s tight body laid out on the couch.
Once the hour was up, Lynn rolled her legs off Justin’s lap. “Bathroom break,” she said, smiling at him. She swooped down, and gave him a peck on the cheek. If there was a particular scent on her breath that he could smell, only the barest of jerks betrayed it.
As she sashayed her way to the bathroom, she could feel Justin’s eyes lock onto the topmost curves of her buttocks, wriggling and jiggling their way out of the waistband of the skirt.
Closing the bathroom door behind her, Lynn sat down on the toilet and hiked her skirt as high as it would go, giving her greedy fingers free access to her juicy cunt. First, she masturbated herself through her panties, making sure to thoroughly soak the thin gusset of the little white thong in her copious pussy cream. In the next moment, she had slipped the tiny panties off, and laid them atop the toilet tank, where “anybody” could find them. Having laid that trap, Lynn proceeded to work her fuckhole in earnest, biting her lip to restrain the sounds of pleasure, diddling her pulsing clit while fingerfucking herself, making her vagina a slippery mess, spreading the fragrant perfume of her sex all over her smooth thighs for good measure.
When she was satisfied with the wet mess she’d made, having cum at least twice to take the edge off, Lynn stood, and wiped the excess pussy slime off on her tank-top. With a hungry grin on her face, she strode back out to the living room.
As she walked towards the couch, she saw Justin hurriedly rearranging something in his lap. Coming up behind him, she laid her hands on his shoulders. Peeking down, Lynn could see that he hand’t managed to get his zipper all the way up. Pretending not to notice the big white bulge that poked through the zipper, she began to rub Justin’s shoulders.
“Your muscles are all tight from carrying that damn bookbag all day at school, honey,” she cooed in his ear. Glancing down, Lynn could see the bulge in his pants jump, pushing the zipper open a little more. “Why don’t you sit on the floor so I can work on them properly?”
His body rigid, face flushed, pants tented, Justin quickly slid from the couch to sit on the carpet before it. Lynn sat behind him, her hands gently working his shoulders, her thighs surrounding his head. Caught in a cloud of her pussy perfume, her son started to take deep breaths, consuming as much of Lynn’s aroma as his lungs could get. She could feel his shoulders start to sag beneath her hands as the cunt cream worked its magic on his will.
As she ineffectually rubbed Justin’s shoulders, his head began to bob in sync with her movements, swaying through the perfumed haze of sex that lay between her thighs. One of his hands started to knead the insistent erection badly concealed in his pants.
“Thaaats right, sweetie,” she cooed softly. “Just let yourself go, give into the relaxation mommy’s giving you, let yourself drift off, and forget everything but the way I’m making you feel.”
His hands fumbled with the flap in his underpants, worming their way inside to play with his pillar of boy meat. Justin’s head lolled back, rolling around until it came into contact with her taut, sticky thigh.
“Yesss,” she hissed as skin contact was made. “Just give in to the feeling, so soft, so seductive, so horny.” His lips parted to taste the smell that was melting his will away. He began to kiss his mother’s thigh, gently lapping at the sweetly-flavoured skin.
“Fuck that’s hot,” Lynn groaned as Justin began kissing his way along her thigh, blindly following the trail of pussy juice. “You can feel it melting your brain, can’t you?” She muttered as her son turned around to get a better vantage from which to clean her thighs. Her hands released his shoulders, and buried their fingers in his hair, holding him to his inexorable course. Lynn draped one long leg over her son’s shoulder as his kisses encroached ever closer to the source of the aroma that held him spellbound. His free hand ran down the back of her thigh, luxuriating in the silky skin, while the other masturbated furiously.
Freeing a shaky hand, Lynn pulled the hem of her skirt as high as it could go, bringing to light the smooth labia majora, a puffy peach ripe for splitting by cock or tongue. A thin strip of blonde pubic hair pointed the way to heaven, just in case Justin’s nose hadn’t already done its job. His lips caressed his mother’s nether lips, savouring the taste, the smell that made his cock harder than iron, his will softer than butter. Following the slippery trail inwards, his free hand left her thigh to split those lips, revealing the delicate pink petals within, her swollen clit, and the pulsating entrance to her pussy. Eagerly, his tongue lapped up the hot, free-flowing juice that coated her sweet cunt, taking time to nuzzle at her clit, sending his mom into paroxysms of pleasure. Then, suddenly, both of his hands grabbed hold of her firm buttocks, and he smothered himself in her cunt, driving his tongue as deeply as he could into the hot depths from whence her juice flowed.
By this time, Lynn had spread those long, lucsious legs as widely as she could, giving the boy as much room to work as he needed. Her fingers pawed at her tits, while the other hand crept down to play with her clit as he suckled at her cunt.
“Oh, fuckhoneyyes!” She gasped as he worked ever harder at her pussy. “Eat mommy’s pussy…soon you’ll have it every night, every which way, sweetie. You and that big…hard…cock!” The mere thought of succumbing to her own urges, and allowing the boy to plow her with the iron rod that was leaking precum onto her carpet, fucking her ’til she passed out, was enough to send Lynn over the edge into a roaring orgasm, filling her son’s mouth with pussy cream. She held him close to her cunt, riding his face through the massive orgasm, until finally, gasping for air, she pulled his sticky features out from her wet folds.
His gaze was glassy, as though drunk. She banished the thought of fucking him now, knowing that the effect was temporary, and if he came to himself now, or in mid-stroke, he might have a stroke of his own.
“Honey, who Knows Best?” She asked quickly between gasps.
“You do,” he slurred. His lips were slack and his features wooden. Lynn couldn’t wait to see him in true form, eagerly fucking her for all he was worth, screaming with pleasure even as she did.
“Good. Now, I want you to go to the bathroom, and wipe your face clean with the panties you find on the toilet tank. Hold them close to your nose, and just start whacking away at that big cock of yours. Remember, you can’t cum ’til told so, but that won’t stop you from trying. When you awake, you’ll remember fantasizing about what just happened, but it won’t have been real. Understand?”
A confused look crossed his face as his brain slowly processed the information. “Yes,” he eventually said, stood, and slumped off to the bathroom. Lynn gave his huge erection a final forlorn look, and nipped off to her own bedroom to change.
Justin sat back on the toilet, his hand wrapped around the thick shaft of his meaty cock, beating it for all he was worth. An open bottle of baby oil stood on the sink beside him, and his dick glistened wetly while slick, obscene noises filled the little room.
“Ohhh, fuck yeah,” he hissed. “Take it in your mouth, suck my cock.” Lynn’s panties muffled his voice as he held them to his nose, inhaling deeply. More importantly, an old Victoria’s Secret catalogue sat splayed on the floor, unused.
His mom squatted outside the door, peeking in through the keyhole, vigorously rubbing her sopping wet pussy as she watched her son jack his gloriously big dick while sniffing her panties. I’ll suck that pole for you baby, she thought to herself, remembering the sweet taste of his virgin meat in her mouth. Mommy will swallow that big, hard cock of yours any time you ask, honey. Just wait a little longer. Mommy’s got to make <b>sure</b> that it’s her you want.
Justin grunted with effort as he jacked harder, trying to reach the orgasm that was at his fingertips, yet a world away. His bloated nutsack slapped loudly against the hairy flesh of his thighs while he pumped away with both hands, now, holding his mother’s panties between his teeth.
Smiling impishly, Lynn knocked on the bathroom door. “Are you okay in there, hon?” Through the keyhole, she saw him freeze, a look of terror on his face. Letting the sodden panties fall out of his mouth, Justin coughed.
“I-I’m fine, mom. Just, just a little busy is all.”
“Oh, ‘busy,’ eh?” She chuckled softly. “Do you remember when you were a little boy, and you used to cum with me everywhere?” His dick throbbed visibly at the word “cum”, and a new dollop of precum rolled down the thick shaft. His left hand began to stroke slowly, stealthily, as though he were afraid she’d hear him. “Anything I’d do, anywhere I’d go, you’d always ask if you could cum.” She hummed that last “m”. “‘Oh mommy, mommy, please let me cum,” she said in mockingly juvenile tones. “Sometimes I’d tease you, and make you beg to come, just to know that you still wanted to be with your mommy,” Lynn watched him fuck his fist, and smiled. “And when I finally let you cum, you’d be the happiest little boy in the world, you loved cumming with mommy sooo much. Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to cum with me to the mall tomorrow, okay? Do you want that, Justin? Do you want to cum? You can if you want to,” No sooner had the words “you can” left her lips than Justin grunted once, loudly, and a great plume of semen erupted from his cock, coating his fist, and his t-shirt, splattering his neck. In an effort to keep his spurting dick under control, he wrapped the head in the first item that came to hand – Lynn’s own panties.
Laughing silently to herself, she stood, and knocked on the door again. “Are you sure you’re okay?” She asked. “You don’t sound so good.”
“I’m okay,” he said in strained tones. “Honest. J-just workin’ hard in here is all.”
“All right then, sweetie. I’ll meet you back on the couch.” She sauntered away from the door, replaying the image of his powerful teenaged rod, blowing its load, imagining it doing the same within the hot, tight confines of her cunt.
Several minutes later, Justin emerged, looking somewhat bedraggled, and short of breath. His clothing was rumpled, and the front of his shirt showed signs of having been wiped off hastily with a wet cloth. His right hand was clenching something in his pocket.
“Are you sure you’re okay, honey? You look kinda flushed. C’mere, so I can see if you’re running a temperature.”
“N-no, I’m just kinda tired, I guess. I think I’ll just go to bed, okay?”
“Are you sure?” Lynn asked, sitting up and looking back at her son with a feigned look of concern. “I was hoping we could spend the evening together, find something fun to do.” She turned, and knelt on the couch, propping herself up on the back. Miles of tanned, smooth flesh were revealed by the white tube-top she wore; the clingy cotton stretched tightly over her firm handfuls of titflesh, distorting the bespangled legend “Flirt” in a most attractive fashion.
Justin stared at her cleavage for a full ten seconds, closed his eyes, sighed. “No. I mean, yes. I mean, I’m sure. I really have to get to bed.”
“Hard day?” She pouted.
He gave his mom a stricken look. “Something like that, yeah.”
“Well, come here and give me a good-night kiss, then.” She extended her arms, as though expecting a hug. Reluctantly, he shuffled over, wanting nothing more than to conceal the newly growing arousal in his pants.
As Lynn had guessed, her position on the couch had put her head roughly on a level with Justin’s crotch. From this distance, she could clearly detect the aroma of his recent ejaculation, and it made her mouth water. While she sampled the scent of his cock, he was scanning the wide expanse of her back left open by the tiny tube top. Following the sinuous line of Lynne’s back down to her luscious butt, he found that the only other thing she was wearing were a pair of baby-blue boy shorts that hugged her delightfully round ass cheeks in soft, paper- thin cotton. The word “Sweet” was emblazoned across those curves in white.
“See something you like?” Lynn asked coyly. Justin recoiled in shock.
“No! What? No. I was just, ah, thinking.”
“Well, either think down here with me,” her hand began caressing his. “Or kiss your old mom goodnight, and do it in your room.”
Lynne watched her son blink, the struggle and confusion on his face evident. A great surge of love and compassion welled up in her, and she decided to make it easy on him.
“Oh, go, will you? I was only kidding.” She patted his hand. Relief flooded his features. He bent, kissed her on the cheek, and fairly ran from the room.
“Have fun!” She called out after him. “And don’t forget to light your incense before you go to sleep!”
“I won’t,” he shouted down the stairs.
While the object of her affections stumped off to his room, Lynn sat down again, and began to think. Things were definitely progressing, yes. Justin was definitely looking at his “old mom” in a new light. But he kept running up against that old conscience of his; maybe rewriting the sexual mores civilization had set down eons ago was too much to expect from a little incense and some slutty clothes. Or maybe she had to take a more hands-on approach. And why had she had the uncontrollable urge to take the panties out of his pocket, and embarass him? She definitely wasn’t looking to make him feel bad. Quite the opposite. But he did look fuckably delicious when he blushed like that. Spreading her long legs wide, Lynn began frigging her juicy little quim again, thinking of how magnificent his cock looked when he came.
* * *
Many delightfully tingly orgasms later, Lynn wobbled naked into Justin’s room on unsteady legs. He lay there, asleep, prostate, sheets kicked off his lithe swimmer’s body, cock standing powerful, erect, manly. If her pussy could make noise, it would have growled hungrily.
Sauntering towards the bed, she called out his name.
“Justin? Justin, honey? Can you hear me?”
“Yes, momm,” he slurred. His cock pulsed, and a gob of precum flowed down the shaft.
“How was your day, sweetheart? Did you find the woman with that wonderful perfume?” She climbed onto his bed, straddling her boy’s slim form.
“Yessss,” he hissed.
“Do you remember who that was? The woman whose scent makes you feel so seduced, so wonderfully sexy?”
“Yes,” Justin moaned as Lynn rubbed his glans against the hot, dripping lips of her cunt.
“Who was that, honey? Who makes you feel hornier than anyone? Who makes your cock harder than steel? Who’s the only one that can make you cum?” The throbbing head of his dick slid easily between the grasping folds of her pussy.
“You do! Mom, you do!” Justin’s hips jerked upwards, trying to penetrate slippery heat he felt sucking his knob.
“Goood boy!” She enthused, slowly impaling her pussy on his dick. “Now honey, I’m going to ask you to open your eyes in a minute; when you do, you may see something shocking, but I want you to remember that it’s just a dream. A wonderful, sexy, horny dream, but just a dream nonetheless. And when you wake up in the morning, you’ll remember this dream, and how hot it made you, how hot I made you.” Feeling the backs of her firm thighs touch base with his hairy hips, she sat back and began to slowly rock, grinding his cock against her pubic bone. Using one hand to stabilize herself, Lynn reached back and started playing with her son’s bloated scrotum. “Now,” she said quietly. “Open your eyes.”
His eyelids rolled up, and for a moment he stared, unfocussed, off into space. Seconds later, they zeroed in on the slender form quietly fucking his formerly virgin cock.
“Oh, god honey, that’s it, fuck mommy’s pussy,” Lynn groaned theatrically, picking up the pace. “Mmmm, fuck yeah… I just love your big, young, cock! You fill mommy up soo goood, baby.” Justin’s instincts began to kick in, and suddenly, his hands gripped her hips tight, and he started to pump his own mom with his steely cock. “Oh, shit yeah!” She shouted as she felt her boy’s dick ramming her tight cunt with all the force and speed that only a teenager could muster. “Aren’t you glad now that I seduced you, honey? Aren’t you glad that you gave up those silly ethics that told you this was wrong? I’m making you happier, hornier, than any little girl ever could!”
“Yes mom, yes mom, yes mom,” came the panting mantra from Justin.
“Good boy!” She shouted, fucking back at the pounding, panting form beneath her. “Now, I want you to remember this… I want you to remember how good it feels to fuck your mommy, how good it feels to just let me win, to let me seduce you, to melt all those silly inhibitions away… can you do that honey?”
“Yes mommy, yes! Seduce me! Please! I always want to feel like this!”
“That’s mommy’s little boy. Now, fuck me honey, fuck me for all you’re worth! Because mother knows best!”
Double cries of passion and, eventually, orgasm, rebounded off the walls of Justin’s small room, and oustide, to startle passerby.