The heavy, pouring rain came down in sheets making visibility almost impossible. Wayne struggled to see out the window of his Jeep Cherokee. His mother, Krista sat in the other bucket seat peering out through the suffocating deluge of water. Every few moments, Krista turned and looked out the rear window for a few seconds before looking back to the front.
“I hope that they are okay,” she mumbled.
“Oh, they’ll be fine,” Wayne told her, hoping that he was right.
Wayne’s whole family was driving up to their cabin in the mountain for a mini-vacation. Tony, Wayne’s father, Kim, Krista’s sister, and Wayne’s little sister, Marie were in the second car somewhere behind them. They had taken both cars because Kim had to return on Tuesday. Wayne, Krista, Tony, and Marie were planning to leave the following Friday. When they had started out earlier that morning, it had been sprinkling, but it had turned into a steady rain before very long. The rain had continued to intensify all morning long turning the drive into a real ordeal.
They had stopped both cars in Emoryville around Twelve. They had refueled and eaten lunch. When they had stopped, Kim had talked Krista into letting her take little Marie for the last leg of the trip since they only had about an hour left to go. Although Marie was only a month old, they didn’t think being separated from her mother for an hour would hurt her. Anxious to get to the cabin, Wayne and Krista had left before than Tony and the others. They hadn’t seen them or their headlights since they had left. Glancing down at his watch, Wayne saw that it had been an hour since they had stopped. “I think I see the turn off,” he said, slowing the car.
“That’s it,” Krista confirmed as Wayne steered the car off the highway onto the narrow black topped road. “Be sure to stay on the road,” his mother cautioned him, watching him carefully guide the car down the narrow lane, “if we get stuck, we’ll never get out of this mud.”
“You’ve got that right,” he chuckled nervously.
They crept down the road until they came to a rickety bridge. Stopping the car, Wayne got out and plodded over to the bridge and looked down. The stream, usually quiet and slow was now a roaring river of deep, muddy water. Staring into the dark, swirling water below, he watched the surge of the water crashing against the bridge’s supports. They looked rather fragile, but they seemed to be withstanding to force of the river.
“What do you think?”
“What,” he jumped, not knowing his mother had joined him. He had been staring into the water so intently, he hadn’t heard his mother get out of the car and walk up beside him. “Do you think we can make it?”
“Uh, I guess,” he muttered, “what do you think?”
“It looks okay to me,” she said walking a few feet out onto the bridge and timidly jumping up and down, “it feels sturdy enough.”
“Okay, let’s try it,” he shouted over the noise of the river.
“God, I’m drenched,” his mother laughed tiredly as they got back into the car, “I can’t wait to get to the cabin and get a fire going.”
“Well, here goes,” Wayne said, putting the car into gear and slowly easing it out onto the bridge. The bridge seemed to be holding its own as they slowly inched across it. The bridge was at least fifty feet across, but it took them two or three minutes to creep three-quarters of the way across it.
Then, all at once, without warning, they felt the bridge wobble and shift under them.
“Oh, God,” Krista screamed “It’s collapsing.”
As Wayne felt the first sickening lurch, he instantly slammed the accelerator to the floor. For one long, terrifying moment, it felt like the car and the bridge were both going to crash into the water below. But at the last moment, the tires grabbed and shot the car toward the other side of the river and safety.
Neither of them could speak as the car roared across the final few feet toward the shore. Then, just as the front wheels touched solid ground, they felt the back end of the car stagger and slip sideways even more. Time seemed to stop. Holding their breath, they prayed until the car finally bounded off the bridge. Just as the back tires cleared the bridge, the bridge went crashing down into the water behind them. Lady Luck had been riding with them. Wayne slammed on the brakes, trying to keep the car from skidding off the road and into the mud. After skidding several feet, the car finally stopped only inches from the soft, treachery of the road’s shoulder.
Wayne sat unmoving, his hands digging into the steering wheel for several moments. Finally, he looked over at his mother. She was white as a sheet as she sat staring out into the rain pouring down on the hood of the car. At last she turned and looked over at him, smiling weakly.
“My, God, that was close,” his mother sighed.
“You can say that again,” he said.
After a few minutes, his hands had stopped shaking enough for him to open the car door. Pushing it open, he stepped out into the pouring rain once again. Closing the door, he saw his mother step out of the car on the other side.
Both of them wobbled back over to where only moments earlier the bridge had stood. Now there was nothing but a few broken, shattered pilings jutting up out of the cold, swirling water below. The twisted, broken supports were the only evidence that the bridge had once stood there.
“Another five seconds and we’d be at the bottom of the river,” he groaned, feeling his legs almost buckle under him,
“God, that was close.”
Neither of them spoke for several moments as they stared down into the dark, muddy water rushing past them. “Uh-oh, here comes Tony and Marie,” his mother suddenly blurted out.
“Go get your cel phone and call them, quick,” Wayne yelled as he started waving his arms frantically, trying to get them to stop them before they drove off into the river.
Krista turned and dashed through the rain to the car. Flinging the door open, she dove inside. Tearing open her purse, she jammed her hand inside and pulled out her phone. Quickly jabbing at the keys, she lifted it to her ear. “Come on, Damn it, answer it,” she muttered, staring out at the other car as it slowly approached the opposite side of the river.
“Yeah, is this Kim,” her sister finally said.
“Yes. Thank God you answered. The bridge is out.”
“Yeah, we saw Wayne waving his arms and slowed down.”
No one spoke for several moments as they all watched Wayne wearily trudge back to his car. “Well, now what?” he asked, sliding in under the steering wheel.
“I don’t know,” she mumbled, trying to think what to do.
It was obvious that Tony, Kim, and Marie were not going to cross the river any time soon. They could turn around and go back to Emoryville and spend the night. Even though Krista was still nursing Marie, she had packed plenty of formula so that wouldn’t be a problem for the immediate future. But with the bridge down and it still raining, she didn’t know how long she would be separated from her baby. She and Wayne had all the food, so they could go on up to the cabin and stay there until someone figured a way to get them back across the river.
She discussed their alternatives with Tony for several minutes. Since it was already one o’clock in the afternoon, he finally agreed that he, Kim, and Marie would return to Emoryville and spend the night there. He would check in with the Sheriff and let him know they were stranded. He would get back with her later and let her know what kind of plan he and the Sheriff could come up with. Closing her cel phone, she explained to Wayne what they had decided. Agreeing with her, Wayne looked into the rear view mirror. Both of them watched anxiously as Tony slowly, carefully backed away from the river. It seemed to take hours, but finally his father’s car backed out onto the highway and disappeared into the torrential rain.
“Well, Lone Ranger, I guess we are on our own,” Krista grinned tensely.
“I guess, so, Tonto,” he replied, slowly shifting into low and letting out on the clutch pedal.
At last they stopped in front of the cabin and both sat watching the rain beat down on the hood of his car. The drive to the cabin had seemed to take hours, but Wayne hadn’t gotten above five miles an hour. As they stared out into the downpour, it seemed like the rain was getting even heavier instead of letting up.
“Do you know how long a cubic is?” Wayne laughed wearily.
“Nope, but we may need to learn if it keeps up like this much longer,” his mother replied.
“Well, I sure don’t want to have to start looking animals by the pair,” he grinned.
“I don’t know,” she sighed, “but I have a pair that are beginning to ache.”
“Pardon?” he blushed, not believing what he had heard.
“Don’t be such a prude,” she chided him good-naturedly,
“it’s been almost five hours since I nursed Marie and my breasts are getting a little full and sore.”
“MOTHER,” he sputtered, turning bright red under all the water coating his face, “you’re embarrassing me.”
“Okay, Mr. Prude,” she laughed, opening her door, “let’s get this car unloaded.”
Wayne stepped out into the rain, grateful for anything that would hide his crimson face. He couldn’t believe his mother had said what she did. After all, it was his mother and he hadn’t been prepared for her remark. Stopping, for a moment, he stood in the pouring rain thinking about her breasts. The thought of her breasts, big and swollen, full of mother’s milk sent a bolt of excitement tearing into his brain. Shuddering, he looked up and let the cold wetness of the rain splash into his face, hoping it would wash away his impure thoughts. At last, he looked and saw his mother impatiently standing by the rear of the car. Shamefully, he rushed around and threw open the trunk. They both grabbed as much as they could and hurried over to the cabin. He deposited his load on the porch and went back to the car while his mother unlocked the cabin. After the first load, he had made his mother stay inside while he trudged back and forth unloading the car. It took him thirty minutes in the driving rain to off-load all of the stuff they had brought, but at least it kept his mind off what his mother had said for a little while. As he unloaded, his mother would sort it in appropriate piles. When he made the last trip inside, he closed the door behind him and dropped the last things on the table.
“Here, here is your suitcase,” his mother told him handing him his bag, “you hurry up and change into something dry before you catch your death of cold. Then you can start a fire while I change.”
He kicked off his muddy shoes and plodded wetly into the single bathroom in the cabin. Closing the door behind him, he quickly stripped down and toweled off the rainwater. He had been so wet, it felt like he had just taken a frigid shower. Looking at himself in the mirror, he thoughts sudden went back to his mother. He wondered what she would look like naked. Blushing with shame, he could stop his cock from starting to swell. Angry at himself for thinking such thoughts, he dried his hair and pulled out a pair of loose shorts and a sweater. A weird combination, he thought, but after he got the fire going, he knew how warm the small cabin would be.
The cabin only had four real rooms. Two bedrooms, a bathroom and a combination den, kitchen, living room. The big rock fireplace would have the whole cabin warm in little more than an hour, if he remembered correctly.
Stepping out of the bathroom, he saw that his mother was waiting impatiently for him to finish.
“It’s about time,” she remarked, striding purposefully toward the bathroom. “I thought you had died in there.”
“You look like a drowned rat,” he laughed as she walked by him her hair plastered to her head wetly. Drenched and bedraggled from wading around in the rain all day, she was still cute. Cute. The word seemed to be made for her, he thought, as he went about starting the fire. Yes, she was pretty, but not a raving beauty. Cute, yes, that was her. But very cute. And her figure, he blushed just thinking about it. Her body looked great for her age. He had had plenty of opportunity to watch her during the summer as she lounged around the pool in her swim suit. But that was before she became pregnant with Marie. He hadn’t actually seen her figure displayed in a swimsuit since Marie had been born, so he really didn’t know what she looked like now.
Then, scolding himself for thinking about his mother in such a way, he set about getting the fire going. He could hear the shower running as he struggled to start the fire. Wondering what she looked like, he thought about sneaking over and peeking through the keyhole. Scolding himself for thinking such a thought, he went back to starting the fire. Thankfully, he and his dad had brought in a week’s supply of wood the last time they had been at the cabin. If they hadn’t, he would never have gotten a fire going. As he tried, tiny tendrils of flame finally began to lick at the wood and soon the fire was blazing away. Squatting in front of the fire, he poked at it as his thoughts returned to his mother. He had heard the other boy’s talking about pregnant women and women with babies at school. They had said that their breasts got gigantic and all full of milk and stuff. They even said that if a woman didn’t have a baby to suck on her tits, they would get painful and have all kinds of problems. Wayne had never really thought of his mother like that until he saw her nursing Marie one day. Then he found it embarrassing to hear the boys talking about women that way. But, in spite of himself, he found himself trying to sneak another peek of his mother’s breasts. He had seen them once and it had scared him. He thought that they would just be bigger and he wasn’t prepared for their size and whiteness. Ashamed that he was thinking about her, he suddenly found himself hard. Blushing, he quickly stood up and started to straighten himself.
Just as he grabbed his cock through his pants to reposition it, his mother stepped out of the bathroom. She was wearing a soft, pink bathrobe and drying her hair with a big, white towel.
Both of them stopped and stared at each other for several uncomfortable moments. Then, Wayne turned away from her and shoved his swollen maleness into a more comfortable position.
“Are you okay?” his mother asked, strolling toward him with her arms above her head drying her hair.
“Uh, Yeah, uh, sure,” he muttered, looking back at her.
As she padded across the room toward him in her bare feet, he couldn’t keep himself from letting his eyes dip down to her jutting breasts. In his inflamed state, her breasts seemed to be huge as they swelled out under her soft, cotton bathrobe.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” she smiled at him with a questioning look on her face, “You’re face is fire-engine red.”
“Yeah, uh, I guess it is just the fire,” he mumbled, “I was too close.”
“Oh,” she said, stepping up beside him and dropping the towel to the floor. She didn’t say anything for several moments as she stood beside him warming her hands. He was afraid to move and stood waiting anxiously. As he waited, he couldn’t keep from glancing back down at the swell of her breasts under the thick, fleecy bathrobe. Was she naked underneath it, he wondered and felt his penis twitch again.
“Why don’t you get us a glass of wine,” she finally said, turning and facing him. “We can have a little before dinner to celebrate our escape from drowning.”
“Uh, Sure, Good idea,” he blurted out, glad for any chance to move away from her.
“I didn’t get a chance to thank you for you what you did this afternoon,” she said softly, leaning over and giving him a soft, loving kiss on the cheek. “You probably saved our lives.”
“Awww Mom,” he said modestly as his face reddened once again.
Self-consciously, he stumbled back away from her.
“Really,” she smiled at him, “we would probably have been swept to our deaths if you hadn’t reacted so quickly.”
“Anybody would have done the same thing,” he said, hoping she wouldn’t notice the bulge in his shorts as he hurried over to the cabinet. He found several bottles of wine in the cabinet and took one down. As he was awkwardly struggling to open it, he secretly watched his mother out of the corner of his eye. She was leaning over, letting the fire dry her soft, short curly brown hair. As he watched, her robe fell open just enough to give him a view of one, big, bare breast . So she was naked underneath it, he thought to himself as his penis lurched again and he nearly dropped the wine bottle.
“Are you having a hard time?” she asked from across the room.
“Uh, no, it, the, cork, is, uh, just a little stiff,” he muttered, wondering if her pun had been by accident.
“Need some help, Hon,” she asked him, turning slightly so that her robe ballooned open ever wider.
“Uh, No, uh, Mom,” he gulped, trying to keep his eyes glued on her big, swollen breast and uncork the bottle both at the same time.
He could see almost all of her big, white breast all the way down to the ring of dark, mysterious flesh surrounding her nipple. Straining to see more, he couldn’t quite make out her nipple.
“I sure am getting thirsty,” she said at last.
Tearing his eyes away from her breast, he looked up to see that she had been watching him. He blushed almost purple as he realized that she had known he was watching and did nothing to stop him.
“Do you find my breasts interesting?” she said, finally raising up and pulling her robe together.
“MOTHER,” he groaned, his mind in a turmoil of confusion.
“Well, you were looking at them, weren’t you?”
He couldn’t speak. Shamed and humiliated beyond belief, he couldn’t find any words to express his mortification.
She didn’t say anything else for several moments. His hands were shaking so badly, it took him forever to fill the glasses with wine. Still blushing brightly, he slowly stumbled back over to his mother. Wine dribbled and ran down the glass as he handed it to her with his trembling hand.
“It’s okay,” she smiled softly, reaching out and taking his hand in hers to stop the shaking.
He didn’t know what to say or do. She finally peeled his frozen fingers from around the glass and took it from him. Smiling at him warmly, she slowly took a long sip of her wine.
Suddenly coming to life, Wayne took a drink from his glass, almost emptying it in his first gulp.
“My, you were thirsty, too” she laughed warmly.
“I sure was,” he blurted out, finishing his drink.
Using his empty glass as an excuse to leave her presence once again, he walked back over to the bottle.
Refilling his glass, he turned and saw that his mother was sitting on the couch in front of the fire. She had her long, lovely legs curled up under her and she was smiling warmly at him.
“Come on over here and sit down by me,” she smiled at him, patting the couch by her.
“Uh, uh, okay,” he mumbled, tripping and nearly falling as he started toward her.
“Bring the bottle with you,” she told him.
Stopping, he went back and got the bottle. Carrying it with him, he walked over and sat down on the couch next to his mother. The air was filled with the clean, fresh fragrance of her soap as both of them sat staring into the fire. Time passed slowly as they made small talk and finished the bottle of wine. “Why don’t you lay your head in my lap and take a nap like you used to do when you were younger?” she finally asked him.
“Uh, uh, okay,” he said, setting his empty glass down on the floor.
Maneuvering around on the couch, he gently lowered his head down onto the softness of her lap. The clean, sweet bouquet of her freshly washed body filled his nostrils and brought back fond memories of his youth as he lay looking up at her. He saw her smile warmly as she slowly ran her fingers through his hair.
Her breasts, the source of his earlier embarrassment were now jutting out only inches above his face. Only the thick, fleecy covering of terry cloth hid them from his eyes.
Drinking in her pleasant scent, he slowly closed his eyes. Listening to the sound of rain splashing against the windows, he found himself getting drowsy. The dull roar of the continuous rain was broken occasionally when one of the logs in the fire place would crack and pop. Relaxed by the wine, the fire, the rain and the almost intoxicating nearness of his mother, he felt himself slowly drifting off into sleep.
Wayne didn’t know how long he had been asleep, but he could still hear the rain beating against the side of the house as he slowly floated back to consciousness. Letting himself awaken slowly, he suddenly realized that his cheek was wet. Had the roof sprang a leak, he wondered. It wouldn’t surprise him as hard as it was raining. Slowly, he opened his eyes and found himself staring up at his mother’s bare breast. Stunned, he saw that his mother’s robe had somehow fallen open baring her breast. Not able to believe his eyes, he saw that her big, bulging nipple was brushing against his cheek. Then he saw a tiny trickle of white juice leaking out of the swollen pap. Staring at the distended pink knob of flesh, he watched in fascination as the little stream of mother’s milk continued to seep out and run down the soft, curving underside of his mother’s beautiful breast.
Almost immediately, he felt his cock swell to aching hardness as he gawked at her breast with utter fascination. Afraid to move, he basked in the sheer debauchery of the moment.
At last, he tore his eyes from her breast and saw that she had apparently fallen to sleep, too. Her head had fallen over and she now slept with her cheek resting on her shoulder. Quickly looking back down to her breast, he drank in the captivating view of bared breast. He had forgotten how pale and white her breast was when he had see it earlier. But now that he was so close to it, he could even see the delicate, blue veins of blood under the transparent skin covering her breast. His quest was over. The prize was now before him, openly displayed for his voyeuristic depravity. He watched it as it slowly rose and fell each time his mother took a breath. What would it be like to suck on the hard, puffiness of her nipple, he wondered perversely. No, he couldn’t do that, he thought. That would be too much. What would his mother say if she woke and found him sucking on her breast? She would probably kill him. Staring up at the bright pink nipple, he couldn’t stop himself from slowly turning his head toward her. As he did, the hard, rubbery knob slid across his cheek and his lips moved ever closer to the forbidden fruit. At last, the hard puffiness of her big, bloated nipple touched his lip.
Then as a tiny trickle of his mother’s thin, white milk trickled down onto his lips, he became so excited, he was about to cum. He had never felt such excitement. His whole body was throbbing with electricity as he slowly opened his mouth. As his lips parted, her distended, puffy nipple slipped between his lips. He didn’t move for several moments, but at last he gently sucked on her nipple. For a moment, nothing happened. Then he saw his mother’s eyes flicker open. Terrified of what she would do, he lay as still as he could. Her eyes looked out aimlessly for a moment and then suddenly swept down to his face. He didn’t know what to do. Time stopped as they stared into each other’s eyes for the longest time.
Finally, she moved ever so slowly, reaching down and cupping his head her arms, pulled him toward her, forcing her nipple farther into his mouth.
“Yes, please,” she whispered, pressing his face into the soft, yielding flesh of her swollen breast. “Nurse and make my breasts stop aching.”
Wayne was stunned and did nothing for a moment. Then realizing that she wanted him to nurse, he slowly started sucking on the great, swollen pap. As he began to suck, he was distressed as the bloated nipple grudgingly gave up a thin, watery fluid for several moments. Thinking there would be more milk, he wondered what he was doing wrong. Then, as he began sucking harder, he was alarmed when milk suddenly began to pour from the nipple. Seeing his mother smile down at him approvingly, he began to suck harder as the thickening sweetness of her milk began to gush into his mouth. Somewhere deep in his memory banks, the delicate, sweet, sugary flavor of her milk triggered forgotten memories of his childhood. He was now a tiny baby, sucking at her breasts as her milk now poured into his mouth. But even though his mind had reverted to infancy, his maturing body was alive with excitement. Swallowing as fast as he could, he still couldn’t keep up with the flow and some of the frothy, white milk leaked out of his mouth and dripped down his chin. Some innate primal force was guiding him now as he pushed his face into her breast with soft insistence. As he sucked, he could feel the heaviness of her breast pushing back against his mouth.
He couldn’t get enough of her sweet, precious cream as it poured from her breast. Wanting more and more, he unconsciously raised his hand up to her breast. Wrapping his hand around the jutting fullness of his mother’s breast, he softly, but firmly began to milk her.
“Oh, yes, Baby, take all of Mommy’s milk and make it stop hurting,” she murmured, pressing his face into her breast even harder.
As he sucked, he could feel the swelling of her breast slowly diminishing and her body begin to relax. After several minutes, he was gravely disappointed when the flow of milk slowed to a trickle and then stop. Downcast that her breast was empty and there was now no reason for him to continue sucking on her breast , he felt his mother shift her body and suddenly her nipple popped out of his sucking mouth. Like a child without a pacifier, his lips continued to move, searching for her breast. Then, weak from the earlier adrenaline rush, he watched in amazed wonderment as his mother opened her robe and lifted her other beautiful, swollen breast out. Turning slightly, his mother lowered the big, round softness of her breast with its glistening pink cup down to his lips. It was like giving a drink to a drowning man as she slowly lowered the large, swollen nipple down to his lips. Just as before, when he started sucking on it, it took several moments before her rich, thick milk to begin to flow freely. But, at last when her milk did start to flow again, it quickly filled his mouth to overflowing once again. Hungrily, he pulled at the rubbery nipple with his lips and mouth sucking more and more of the pleasing sweetness of her foamy milk into his mouth.
“Oh, Yes, My, Baby,” she murmured as he continued to suckle her.
Wayne’s swollen cock was throbbing with such fire pain, he knew that he couldn’t keep from cumming much longer. He had never been so hard. It was like having a knife shoved into his cock as it pulsated with excitement. He had never been so aroused by anything in his whole life. As he sucked and suck, he was once again disappointed when the flow of milk begin to decrease. Afraid that his mother would take her breast away from him when it stopped giving milk, he wondered what he could do to postpone the inevitable. As he feverishly tried to think of a way to keep sucking on her breast, he gently ran his tongue over the lactating nipple and felt his mother’s body stiffen in response. Surprised by his mother’s reaction, he stopped sucking so hard and began to tease the big, swollen nipple with his tongue. Less and less milk flowed out, but his tongue became more and more insistent as he tickled and teased the bulging nipple.
“Mmmmmm, Babbbyyyyy,” she sighed as her whole body relaxed.
As Wayne played with her nipple, he felt her legs underneath his head slowly part. Then, he was stunned when he felt his mother’s pelvis tilt and gently press up against the back of his head. Was she becoming excited, he wondered as he felt his cock lurch perilously close to an eruption. Tweaking and toying with her nipple, Wayne could no longer taste the intoxicating sweetness of his mother’s milk. Even though the flow of milk had completely stopped, his mother made no move to stop him. She must be enjoying what he was doing, he thought. The very idea that she would let him play with her nipple without nursing stunned him. Shocked, he eagerly renewed his assault on her ripe, bloated nipple. As he played with her nipple, he heard her make soft, little mewing sounds. Excited even more, he continued to pull and nip at her bloated pap as he massaged and kneaded the soft flesh of her breast with his hands.
While he had initially thought that sucking her breast and drinking her milk was the most thrilling thing he had ever done, this was even more exciting. Thinking about what he was doing sent emotions flowing through his body that were almost overpowering. He was actually playing with his mother’s big, beautiful breasts and she was not going to stop him.
The soft, insistent pressure of her groin against the back of his head was growing harder and harder the longer he kept teasing her nipple. Then without warning, he felt his mother’s hand drop from the back of the couch down to his stomach. He didn’t know if it was an accident or if she had done it on purpose, but her hand was now resting only inches from his throbbing, aching cock. He began to massage and knead the soft, pliant flesh of his mother’s breast more and more confidently as she made no move to stop him. Then his heart almost stopped when he felt his mother’s hand slowly inch toward his over-ripe maleness. Was she consciously doing it or was it just a reflex. Either way, his cock had a hair trigger and he knew that it would take nothing to cause it to explode.
Suddenly the phone rang. As it did, his mother’s hand jerked and brushed across his primed readiness.
“Goddddddnnnnoooooo,” he gasped out around his mother’s nipple as he felt his penis erupt inside his shorts.
“Oh, Baby, I’m sorry,” his mother whispered as she watched him strain and jerk as he ejaculated , “I’m sorry.”
Wayne couldn’t believe that it had happened. He couldn’t stop it. To his utter shock and humiliation, he felt his mother slowly ease out from under him and get up.
“I’m sorry, baby but I’ve got to answer the phone, It’s probably Tony,” she said softly, pulling her robe closed and walking over to the telephone.
Wayne buried his head down under the pillows, wishing he could crawl in a hole somewhere and die. How could he have cum right in front of his mother. He was so disgraced, he would never be able to face her again. Trying to bury his mortification under the cushions on the couch, he listened to his mother talking on the phone as he felt tears of shame running down his face.
He couldn’t make out what she was saying over the din of rain that was pouring down on the house. Then, all at once, he felt exhausted and unable to keep his eyes open. He didn’t try to fight it and within moments, he was asleep.
The room was dark when he awoke. Looking around, he saw that the fire had been built back up and was casting a soft, warm glow over the room. He didn’t move for several moments as he let his eyes grow accustomed to the dark. After a few moments, he let his eyes slowly search the room. Then he saw his mother sitting in the big, stuffed chair by the fire. He couldn’t believe his eyes as he watched her gently massaging her big, pendant breasts while she sipped on a glass of wine. Even though he had cum only a short time before, he felt his manhood spring back to life almost immediately. She seemed to be unaware of him as she had her robe untied and spread apart so that her great, swollen breasts were uncovered. His eyes drank in their unmatched beauty as he watched her fingers toy and pull at the big, distended nipples. Watching her play with her breasts, it seemed like it took only seconds for him to become as hard as a rock. Then stunned, he watched as her hand slowly slipped down from her breasts and traveled down between her legs. The way she was sitting prevented him from seeing what she was doing, but when her head tilted back and her eyes closed, he could imagine where her hand was. He was already on the verge of a second explosion as he watched his mother playing with herself. Her movement was becoming more and more animated as he watched. Her legs crept farther and farther apart and she began to make the same little mewing sounds as before. Her breathing was becoming ragged and uneven as her hand moved faster and faster.
Then just as it had been with him, the telephone rang.
Wayne closed his eyes and feinted sleep as he heard his mother get up and walk across the room. He could hear her talking quietly to someone, but the thrum of the rain made it impossible to distinguish what she was saying. After several moment, he heard her set the phone down. He waited for a few moments as she slowly padded by the couch and sat back down in the chair. Opening his eyes, he saw that she had spread open her robe again and was massaging her breasts.
Slowly, he sat up.
“Do your breasts hurt?” he brazenly asked her not knowing where he had gotten the courage.
“Whut, what, uh, what did you say?” she sputtered, turning toward him.
He didn’t speak for several moments as he let his eyes wander over her big, bare breasts. She seemed confused and initially didn’t make a move to cover her exposed breasts.
“I asked you if your breasts were hurting again?” he blushed as she looked down at her bare breasts.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” she mumbled, slowly closing her robe and covering her breasts, “I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”
“I’m sorry, I just feel sort of funny inside when I see your breasts uncovered,” he smiled weakly.
“They do hurt a little,” she smiled back at him, “but not like before.”
“Your breasts are very pretty,” he said lamely, not knowing what else to do or say.
“Do you really think so? she said, this time blushing herself, “I thought they were a little too droopy.”
“Oh, No, Mother, they’re beautiful,” he blurted out, his obvious excitement showing. “Well, Thank you, I guess,” she laughed softly, taking another sip of her wine.
“Uh, would, uh, would you like for me, uh, me to, uh, to, uh, nurse you again,” he mumbled, ashamed that he had said it.
“What did you say?” she asked him with a puzzled look on her face.
“Oh, Nothing,” he said, blushing again afraid to press his luck.
Did she know that he had cum before, he wondered as he sat smiling back at her inanely. He wanted to say something, but he didn’t know what to say.
“Why don’t you get something to eat?” she told him, “I fixed some snack stuff while you were asleep.”
“Hey, that’s sounds good,” he said, getting up and going over to the table.
“You were sleeping so soundly,” she said loudly, trying to make herself heard over the sound of the rain, “I didn’t want to wake you after what happened.”
Wayne didn’t know what to do or say in response so he hungrily devoured half of the food on the table. He had been ravenous, but hadn’t realized it because his sexual emotions had been overriding all other feelings.
Pouring him another glass of wine, he walked back and sat down on the couch. As he did, his mother told him that they were stuck in the cabin until at least tomorrow afternoon. Tony had talked to the sheriff and found out that the local national guard had a emergency bridge laying unit and that they could come out as soon as it stopped raining. Wayne didn’t have to ask her when that would be as the rain continued to fall outside with a vengeance. Looking down at his watch, he was shocked to see that it was already nine o’clock.
“Wow, it’s getting late,” he remarked, refilling his glass.
“Yeah, you slept for quite a while,” she smiled back at him, slowly sipping on her drink, “You’ve had a very long day.
Neither of them spoke for several moments. Wayne got up and stepped over to the door of the cabin. Opening it, he watched the rain cascading down in sheets.
“Boy, it’s still coming down in buckets,” he hollered back to his mother.
“I can hear it,” she shouted back at him.
Closing the door, he walked over to the fire and warmed his hands. He wanted to ask his mother if he could nurse her again, but he was too bashful so he just stood there in front of the fire waiting for her to do or say something.
“Honey, I think I’m going to bed,” he heard his mother say after a few moments, “It’s been a long day for me too.”
“It sure has,” he answered, not knowing what else to say.
“I think I will too.”
Disappointed that his mother hadn’t asked him to nurse again, he trudged into his bedroom and pulled his clothes off. The house was warm so he could sleep in the nude as he usually did. Crawling under his covers, he gently stroked his swollen manhood as he listened to his mother getting ready for bed in the next room. Then suddenly, she stuck her head around the corner. Startled, he knew that she had seen him stroking himself.
“Uh, Good Night, Baby,” she told him, “I, uh, I hope, that you sleep well.
“Then before he had a chance to respond, she disappeared back around the corner.
“Uh, Night, Mom,” he shouted out.
He got no response, but after a few minutes, her light went off leaving the house dark except for the faint glow from the fire in the living room. Lying in his bed, thinking back over the events of the day, he slowly drifted off to sleep.
Suddenly, he found himself awake. Something had woken him up, but he didn’t know what. The fire was almost out and the house was dark, but he didn’t hear anything out of the ordinary as he listened. Then he heard the sound of another log being placed on the fire. As he watched, the glow from the fire slowly grew brighter. Then he heard his mother put another log on the fire. He couldn’t see the fire from his bed, but he could still see the faint glow of it. Staring out his door into the living room, he was surprised to see his mother suddenly appear at the door. He knew that it was too dark for her to see his eyes so he didn’t have to pretend he was asleep. His mother stood in his doorway for the longest time. He wondered what she was doing as she stood peering into his room. Although the glow of the fire was weak, Wayne’s eyes had grown accustomed to the dark and he could see that his mother was wearing a very, very thin nightgown. Even in the dim light of the fire, he could easily make out the silhouette of her beautiful body as she stood looking into his room. Lying on his back he suddenly felt his cock surge back to hardness as he stared at the outline of her body.
Wondering what she was doing, he couldn’t believe his eyes when she slowly moved and stepped into his room. He couldn’t believe that she was actually coming toward his bed. Suddenly the captivating aroma of her bewitching perfume enveloped him as he felt her sit down on the edge of his bed. His heart almost stopped beating as he waited to see what she would do next. Then he felt her slowly lift the covers and ease down under them. She was now lying in his bed next tom him. He thought he was going to have a heart attack as he suddenly felt her warm body press up against him.
“Wayne, are you awake?,” he heard her whisper.
“Uh, yes,” he muttered, his mouth so dry, he could barely speak.
“Do you mind if I come in here for a while?” she asked him, pressing herself up against him insistently.
“Uh, No,” he groaned, feeling her big, firm breasts pressing into his arm.
She didn’t say anything for several minutes.
“Baby, my breasts are hurting again. Would you nurse me?” she finally whispered. “Oh, Yes,” he gasped as he felt her push the covers down and spread her gown open.
“Thank You” she sighed.
Rolling over toward her, he pushed his face down onto her swollen breast. Like a piglet searching for nourishment, he hunted for her nipple. Almost immediately he found the hard, swollen pap jutting up from her swollen breast and locked his lips around it. Hungrily, he began to suck on it. Just as before, only a small trickle of milk oozed from his mother’s nipple initially. Sucking harder, he felt the flow increase and he was quickly rewarded with a mouthful of her sweet, frothy milk. Gluttonously, he pulled and sucked on her gushing tit reveling in the delightful taste and warmth of her sweet, creamy milk. As he sucked and pulled on her breast, he realized that his throbbing cock was pressed up against his mother’s hot, firm leg. Her gown must have ridden up her leg because there was nothing between his cock and her bare skin. Aflame with desire, he couldn’t stop himself from pressing his burning hardness against her leg even harder. He knew that she must feel his steel hard penis mashed up against her leg, but she made no effort to move her leg back away from him. Inspired by her lack of objection, he continued to press his swollen hardness into her leg as he sucked and fondled her swollen tit.
“Oh, yes, baby, it feels so good,” he heard his mother whisper to him.
In his feverish state, he didn’t know if she meant his cock or the way he was sucking her tit. Everything was happening too fast for him to fully comprehend it. He was overwhelmed by the emotions pouring through his mind. It was too incredulous to fully fathom. He was lying next to his dear, sweet mother, sucking her breast and rubbing his cock against her leg. It couldn’t really be happening. He must be dreaming, but he knew he wasn’t.
Slowly the flow of milk from her breast diminished as he ravenously suckled her like a starving man. As he sucked, he was able to pull less and less of her pure, precious milk into his mouth until at last the flow stopped altogether. “Do the other one, baby,” she cooed, her hands coaxing him over to her other breast.
To reach her other breast, Wayne had to straddle her and lean over her. Clumsily, he raised himself up on his hands and rolled his leg over hers. He was now lying with his mother’s leg between his legs and his rock hard cock pressing down against her hard, firm thigh. Then he leaned down and quickly sucked her other swollen pap into his mouth.
“Oh, Yes, Baby,” his mother groaned as he began to suck on her other breast. “You make me feel so good.”
Unable to control himself, he began to thrust his aching hardness against her leg as his mouth pulled on her big, hard nipple. He knew that she couldn’t help feeling his naked cock rubbing against her as he ground it down onto her leg. Just the feel of her hot, smooth skin on his prick was sending him rushing headlong toward another eruption. Knowing that there would be no way to disguise his ejaculation this time, he still couldn’t stop humping his cock against her leg.
Just as before, the flow of milk was very slow at the start, but all at once it began to pour into his mouth. Within moments his mouth was filling with her the delicate, womanly flavor of her hot, sweet milk. His head was swimming with pleasure and lust as he sucked and pulled on her nipple. Wrapping his hand around her big, pliable breast, he squeezed and clutched her big, soft breast, trying to coax even more of her wonderful cream from her breast.
“Oh, Baby,” his mother murmured as he ravaged her breast with his sucking, pulling mouth. Gulping loudly, he sucked hungrily at his mom’s breast. He couldn’t get enough of her frothy, sweet milk. Holding on tightly with both hands to the soft abundance of her breast, he urged her to give him more and more. He had never experienced such power and desire before as he lay atop his mother, nursing.
As she lovingly ran her hands through his hair, she held his face mashed down against her breast. Then woefully, he felt the muscles in his mother’s leg harden as she tried to move her leg out from underneath his thrusting penis. Disheartened, he slowly lifted his leg and let her leg slip out from under him. Then, in a flash of comprehension, he realized that he was now lying between her long, shapely legs.
“Oh, Wayne,” she moaned softly. Encouraged by this new development, he renewed his attack on her breast until, much sooner than he wished, the flow of thick, frothy milk slowly diminished to a trickle and then stopped.
Unwillingly to forfeit his vantage, Wayne continued to tease and taunt her bloated nipple. As he did, he turned slightly and pressed his hard maleness against the warmness of her soft, smooth inner thigh. As he lay atop her now, his stomach was pressing down on the soft, fuzzy mat of hair covering her soft underbelly. He was so keyed up, he felt like he could feel every one of her curly, pubic hairs individually tickling his stomach. Then, like a bolt of lightning, it came to him. There was nothing between him and his mother. It was his own bare skin against her bare skin. He couldn’t believe it, but she must have opened her gown all the way when she had laid down next to him. It was to good to be true, he thought as a perverse thrill ran through his body. Infected by the perverted lust that was rigidly obvious, he mashed his belly down on her and felt another jolt of excitement tear into his overloaded brain. He could feel his mother’s wetness pressing up against him as she gently thrust herself up against his stomach
Oh, baby…” she moaned softly.
Drowning in emotions that he had never felt before, he ever so slowly let his mother’s nipple slip out of his mouth. But he kept his mouth pressed against the hot, smooth skin of her breast. Slowly, he began kissing his way up her breast on onto her neck.
“Oh, Baby,”she gushed, arching her neck against his insistent lips.
Lifting his body, he determinedly kissed his way up her neck. Stopping for a moment, he gently nibbled at the soft, fragrant skin just below her chin. Then his lips traveled up over her chin and quickly down onto her lips.
“Oh, Christ,” she groaned, pulling his face down and mashing her lips against his.
With their lips pasted together, their bodies pressed together erotically.
In his squirming passion, Wayne suddenly found himself with the head of his great, bloated penis resting against the soft, fleshy opening of his mother’s wetness. Only a rapidly decaying fear of his mother’s reaction separated him from the dark wicked mysteries of her most sacred of sacred places. Then, as he felt the heat exuding from her weeping lovewound, he felt her gently tilt her hips and gently press herself against him. Holding himself back one moment longer, he continued to grind his mouth against hers and slowly slid his tongue into her mouth.
Suddenly, he felt his mother’s hands on his tight, clenched ass. As she grabbed hold of his ass, he felt her dig her long, pink fingernails into him. Unable to postpone the inevitable any longer, he slowly pushed the head of his cock into the burning, cleaving opening of his mother’s drooling vagina.
“Arrggghhhhhhhhh,” he heard his mother gasp as their lips broke apart.
Gasping for breath, Wayne felt beads of perspiration pop out on his forehead. He was feverish and confused. Should he stop? This was so wrong. They were about to commit a mortal sin. A sin so evil and heinous, he would forever be branded as a Motherfucker. But, even as his mind reeled in chaos, he knew that there was no way to stop now. They had gone too far. There was nothing anyone could do to stop their inescapable plunge into the wicked depths of incestual love. Finding her lips again, he hungrily kissed her, deep and long. As they kissed, he slowly eased his cock down into her flaming core. This couldn’t really be happening, he feverishly thought as his cock slowly slipped deeper into the scalding depths of her tight, clutching womanhood. He was fucking his dear, wonderful Mother. He would surely go to hell for what he was doing, but it would be worth it. He was fucking his mother.
The feeling was indescribable. It was like thrusting his cock into a tight, burning sheath of silky softness that lovingly clenched and squeezed him. Unbelievably, it was hotter and wetter as he went deeper and deeper inside the secret, intimacy of her very soul. There was nothing else to live for, now. He was submitting himself to the most wonderful experience a boy was capable of imagining. While the physical pleasure was incomparable, the fact that his mother was his willing partner in the wickedness was most important to him. While he wanted to make love to her for so very long, he could never have done it without her concurrence. Now she was more than his mother, she was his soul-mate.
“Oh, My Fucking, God, Mother,” he gasped, finally breaking their lip lock.
“Oh, Wayne, My Baby, ” she cried out, thrusting herself up against him.
Wayne’s cock slid effortlessly into his mother’s warmth. His origin. His source. The fiery oven of his birthplace. It felt like heaven. Even though, he was reveling in the wicked delight of making love to his mother, he was slightly surprised.
It should have felt a little dirty and perverted. He should have had some guilt, but he couldn’t believe how natural and wonderful it felt. Making love to the beautiful woman was incomparable to anything, he would never be able to make love to another woman. Overcome by the delicious feelings pouring from his cock, he tentatively pulled his great, throbbing cock out slightly and then pushed it back down into her fiery sheath once again. The sensation of her wet, hot flesh wrapped around his aching cock sent fire coursing up his cock and into his reeling mind. The exquisite pleasure spewing from his loins was rapidly becoming too intense to tolerate. He realized that his mother must feel the same way as she arched her hips pulling him even deeper inside her scorching cunt. As he entered her, he could feel her bare breasts pressing up against chest. His chest was wet from the milk that still leaked from them. Thrusting himself into her, he finally felt the head of his cock thud up against her cervix at the same instant his belly touched hers. They were made for each other and fit together perfectly. Holding himself deep inside of her hot, sucking cunt, he bent down and quickly kissed her again. His mother returned his kiss, and soon his tongue snaked its way into her mouth. Mother and son embraced and kissed deeply with their hips flattened against each other. The passion that was pouring through his body rapidly blossomed into a white-hot spasm of ecstasy as the tension in his loins reached the boiling point. “Momph!” he tried to warn her but it was too late. His cock erupted violently inside her, sending a huge gusher of his white-hot lavacum spurting out into his mother’s vagina. “Oh, Wayne…” His mother gurgled, wrapping her legs around him, and pushing her hips up against him.
“Wayne, MY, Baby …” she cried, her voice softening into a whimper as his body continued to spasm and writhe.
Over and over again, he felt his cock jerk and spurt gusher after gusher of his thick, hot cum deep into his mother’s hungry, sucking cunt. It was pure heaven as wave after wave of pleasure washed over his body.
Wayne’s cock slid effortlessly into his mother’s warmth. His origin. His source. The fiery oven of his birthplace. It felt like heaven. Even though, he was reveling in the wicked delight of making love to his mother, he was slightly surprised.
It should have felt a little dirty and perverted. He should have had some guilt, but he couldn’t believe how natural and wonderful it felt. Making love to the beautiful woman was incomparable to anything, he would never be able to make love to another woman. Overcome by the delicious feelings pouring from his cock, he tentatively pulled his great, throbbing cock out slightly and then pushed it back down into her fiery sheath once again. The sensation of her wet, hot flesh wrapped around his aching cock sent fire coursing up his cock and into his reeling mind. The exquisite pleasure spewing from his loins was rapidly becoming too intense to tolerate. He realized that his mother must feel the same way as she arched her hips pulling him even deeper inside her scorching cunt. As he entered her, he could feel her bare breasts pressing up against chest. His chest was wet from the milk that still leaked from them. Thrusting himself into her, he finally felt the head of his cock thud up against her cervix at the same instant his belly touched hers. They were made for each other and fit together perfectly. Holding himself deep inside of her hot, sucking cunt, he bent down and quickly kissed her again. His mother returned his kiss, and soon his tongue snaked its way into her mouth. Mother and son embraced and kissed deeply with their hips flattened against each other. The passion that was pouring through his body rapidly blossomed into a white-hot spasm of ecstasy as the tension in his loins reached the boiling point. “Momph!” he tried to warn her but it was too late. His cock erupted violently inside her, sending a huge gusher of his white-hot lavacum spurting out into his mother’s vagina. “Oh, Wayne…” His mother gurgled, wrapping her legs around him, and pushing her hips up against him.
“Wayne, MY, Baby …” she cried, her voice softening into a whimper as his body continued to spasm and writhe.
Over and over again, he felt his cock jerk and spurt gusher after gusher of his thick, hot cum deep into his mother’s hungry, sucking cunt. It was pure heaven as wave after wave of pleasure washed o
“Oh, M, God, Mother, I Love You,” he gasped as he thrust himself down into her again and again.
Finally, his mighty monster relented and stopped firing off inside of her. Exhausted by the huge expenditure of physical and emotional energy, Wayne collapsed down on top of her. Neither of them spoke as they lay pressed against each other for several moments. Then, as if reading each other’s minds they began kissing and lovingly fondling and caressing each other. As they petted, Wayne was surprised to find that his cock, still buried inside his mother hadn’t softened at all. After a few moments, he slowly began to slide his cock in and out of his mother’s deep, wet cunt. Within moments, they were gently fucking as his mother eagerly returned his thrusts. Soon, their bodies were moving in a heated rhythm.
“Oh, Wayne, I love it,” she moaned as he fucked her. Mom … Mom … Mom.” he heard himself moaning involuntarily as their hips clashed together over and over. Their pent up passion overcame them and suddenly they were going at each other like two clawing, biting animals. They were unable to get enough of the other as they fought for release from the burning, festering desire. “Fuck Mommy, Fuck Mommy,” he heard his mother grunt every time he slammed his hard cock into her.
Their hips slammed together loudly as they fucked, sending splatters of their lovemaking flying all over the bed. The loud slurping of her cunt as it sucked on his dick could even be heard above the roar of the rain crashing down on the roof, but still they fucked.
At last, after twenty or thirty minutes of fierce, ball busting fucking, Wayne felt his scrotum begin to tighten. He could feel himself nearing the point of eruption as his mother writhed and groveled below him, urging him to fuck her harder and harder.
“Oh, Fuck, Baby, I feel it CUMMMMNNNNNN!”, she finally screamed as her body tensed and her muscles became as hard as boards.
Wayne felt her cunt lock down around his cock, squeezing it so hard he couldn’t stop it from exploding.
“FUCKMOTHERCUMMNNNN,” he bellowed out at the same time a brilliant flash of lightning filled the room.
Terrified by the blinding bolt of lightning, he felt like the head of his cock had been blown off inside his mother. Then the whole house shook as thunder followed the lightning.
He couldn’t stop cumming inside his mother. Over and over again, his cock gathered itself and spewed out load after load of his thick, creamy cum into her clinging cunt. He quickly filled her to overflowing. He could feel his cum oozing out around his spasming cock and running down the crack of his mother’s upturned ass.
Time seemed to stop as they groaned and fucked. At last, there was no more and they collapsed in each other’s arms. Consumed by their sinful escapade, they immediately fell asleep.
Wayne awoke dazed and dead tired. Yawning, he stretched and wondered why he felt so groggy. Then he felt an icy finger of fear shoot down his spine as he recalled the events of the previous night.
God, he had made love to his mother. Or was it just some wild, crazy dream he had conjured up?
Panicky, he began to sweat. It had to be a dream, he thought. Then he caught a whiff of his mother’s perfume that lingered in the air. Anxiously, he rolled over and shoved his nose down into the rumpled sheets. The haunting fragrance of her perfume was even stronger on the sheets. She must have been in his bed. But had they made love like he remembered? Maybe he had just nursed her, like earlier. Maybe that was it. And he had just imagined the rest of it.
As the torpor of sleep slowly departed from his mind, the frightening details came back to him bit by bit. Then, as if to assure him, he felt the itchy dryness of dried semen pull at the hairs on his leg. It was no dream. It was true. HE HAD MADE LOVE TO HIS MOTHER. Recalling every erotic moment, he quickly found himself growing hard once again. The intoxicatingly wicked memory of their love-making was a malignant aphrodisiac to him. He had made love to his mother and now, he wanted her again. He had to feed the diseased monster inside him. The sick, evil craving they had created must be satisfied. Now that he had tasted the forbidden fruit, there was no turning back, he had to have more.
But what about his mother? And where was she? Had she gone back to her own bed in shame and disgust? Was shy lying there in her bed despising him and what he had done to her?
He was so afraid that she would hate him. Fearing the answer, he had to know how she felt toward him. One short night of love making and he was already resentful of her absence. Glancing down at his watch, he saw it was already nine o’clock. Where had the time gone?
Thinking back on last nigh, he reached down and quickly ran his hand up and down his big, swollen cock. He wished it was his mother’s hand instead of his as he quickly rolled out of bed. Walking over to the door, he admired his ten inches of stiff, bloated cock sticking out in front of him like a divining rod searching for pussy. Stopping in the doorway, he looked out into the living room.
He felt his heart lurch with desire and tenderness as he saw was his mother standing at the front door looking outside.
As his eyes hungrily devoured her form, he was surprised to see bright, hot sunlight streaming through the door. It had finally stopped raining. He felt a sudden disappointment. He had hoped that the rain would continue and give him more time alone with his mother. That is if she didn’t hate him. But the rain was gone. Now every moment became more and more precious. As he stared at his mother, the sunlight streaming through the door made it obvious that she wasn’t wearing anything under her thin, flimsy gown. It was the same gown she had worn last night and he could easily see right through it. His already hardened maleness jumped with excitement as he stood ogling the enticing silhouette of his mother’s body outlined by the bright sunlight. He couldn’t move for several minutes. He was afraid to find out how she felt toward him. But he had to know. Would she hate him or, or what, he wondered. Would she have come to her senses and spurn him in the bright, harsh light of morning? He tried to imagine what she was thinking about. What must be going through her mind? Did she think he was a fiend for what he had done to her? What they had done was wrong. Terribly wrong. But it had been so wickedly wonderful. Wayne had made love to several girls before, but it was nothing like what had happened last night. He had loved his mother like any son loved his mother before last night. Now that love had mutated into an obscene hunger to possess her body. The craving was so deep and profound, just looking at her made his heart ache with desire. He had never known anything so consuming! So devastating! So addictive! Looking down, he guiltily watched as his big, heavy cock bouncing up and down lewdly. Just thinking about her was enough to make him cum. How did she feel about him? Trying to reign in his passion, he shamefully remembered that this was the same woman who had raised him. Spanked his bottom when he had needed it. Wiped his little butt when he shit in his pants. Chastised him when he was bad. Wiped his runny nose when he was sick. Kissed his owies and made them better. Fed him. Clothed him. Comforted him. Fucked him. No matter how she felt now, she had been his lover for one night anyway. In his heart, He was now her lover and always would be regardless of her feelings toward him. He knew what he felt for her was a perversion of love, but it was all he had. He knew it was sick for a son to love his mother as he did, but he couldn’t help it. He was a prisoner of his own lust. He had to know how she felt about him. What did she think of him now that they had made love. He couldn’t put it off any longer. He had to know NOW! Stepping across the room as quietly as he could, he slipped up behind her. Wrapping his arms around her, he forcefully pulled her back against him.
“What, uh, oh,” she mumbled as he hugged her to him.
“Good morning, Mother,” he bubbled. “How do you feel today?”
She didn’t speak. His heart jumped into his throat. He was afraid to move as she seemed to ignore his presence for several moments. So she really did hate his guts, he thought.
“Oh, I’m as well as can be expected,” she finally sighed, relaxing slightly and leaning back against him.
“Are you mad at me?” he asked her, gently hugging her tighter.
Once again, it took several moments for her to respond.
“No, Baby, I’m not angry at you,” she mumbled, “I am angry with myself.”
“What for?” he asked innocently.
“Oh, Honey,” she said softly, “I should never have come to your room last night. It was all so wrong.”
“But, Mom,” he gushed, “it was wonderful. The best ever. Great.”
“No, Baby, it was so wrong,” she wept. “We had no right to do what we did.”
“Mom, how could it be wrong?” he argued, wishing he could somehow make her feel like he did. “It was THE BEST.”
“Wayne, we committed incest. It was so wrong,” she mumbled.
“Mother, it couldn’t be bad,” he groaned, trying to convince her that what they had done was not that bad. “Baby, can’t you see what we’ve done?” “What? Made wild, beautiful love? How can that be wrong?” he moaned.
“But we created a monster. A monster that can’t be allowed to live. A monster that must die here. Here in this cabin. Now, “she sobbed. “What? What do you mean?” he groaned.
“Anything that we did. Any new feelings we created toward each other. Anything that was conceived in this place can’t be allowed to grow. That is why it is so terrible.”
“Why?” he asked her, slowly bringing his hands up to her big, pendant breasts and lovingly squeezing them.
“Oh, no, Wayne, please don’t, we can’t,” she wept, making a feeble attempt to push his hands away from her breasts. “It isn’t right. We just can’t.”
“But, Mother, I love you so much,” he blubbered, fighting to keep his hands wrapped around her big, soft breasts.
He could feel her shake as her body was wracked by sobs. Wishing that he could do anything to ease her pain, he still couldn’t move his hands away from her big, beautiful breasts. “Mother, no one has to know, but you and I,” he said, still trying rationalize their love as natural and right. He would do anything to lure her into his bed once again. Somehow, he had to make her understand how badly he needed her.
Then he felt something wet on his hands and realized that her breasts had begun to leak again. Just the thought of her big, white breasts and their delicious contents, made his cock jump excitedly.
“It is wrong,” she said, trying to stop crying. “Very, very wrong for a mother and son to make love. Don’t you know that. It is incest. It is a mortal sin.”
“But, Mother, it was too wonderful to be a sin.”
“Oh, Wayne, my baby,” she gushed, “Can’t you see it? Don’t you know how much I wish we could. But we can’t go on pretending that it isn’t wrong. As much as I want to, one of us has to stop it before it gets totally out of control and ruins everything. We have to stop it before it goes any further.”
“Please, Mother,” he pleaded with her, hugging her to him even tighter. “Oh, Wayne, please stop tempting me. We can’t, Baby. We would regret it the rest of our lives.”
“But, Mother, We’ve already done it once. What difference would one more time make”
“Oh, Wayne, stop tormenting me.” “Can’t we do it just one more time, Mother? Please?”
“God, Wayne, stop it, please, baby.”
” Mommy, no one will ever know. Just you and I. Just one more time, please mother,” he whispered, feeling her resistance begin to crumble. “Oh, Wayne, it would be so wrong,” she mumbled.
Then, as if she had finally surrendered, he felt her slowly melt back against him.
Neither of them moved for the longest time. They just stood there. At last, Wayne felt his mother slowly turn around.
Then, facing him, she looked into his eyes with such passion, he felt his heart begin to melt. Staring back into her eyes, Wayne was shocked to see how tired and drained she looked. He could see wrinkles around her eyes and lips that he had never noticed before. There were even dark rings under her eyes. He had never seen her looking so worn out. Yet, as tired and haggard as she was and even without makeup, he still found her beautiful.
Peering into her big, brown eyes, he found himself slowly being sucked down into the deep, whirling whirlpools. He could feel his love for her pouring out into the bottomless depths of her soul as their eyes locked together. Then as she stared intently into his eyes, she slowly raised her hands. Pressing her hands against his cheeks, she held his head motionless.
“If we do it once more,” she said softly, but insistently,
“will you swear to me that you will never ask again? Swear that we will never again do the depraved thing we are about to do again. Swear that the wicked evil that we created here, will die here in this cabin and never be reborn again?”
“God, Yes, Mother, I swear,” he lied, knowing that he would agree to anything to make love to her one more time. “You Swear?” she asked him again, her eyes searching for the truth in his eyes.
“I swear, Mother,” he gurgled, his cock bouncing up and down with excitement.
“This is so wrong,” she gushed, “But I want you, too. Only this must be the last time we ever let this happen though. It can never, ever happen again.”
“Yes, Mother,” he groaned, wrapping his arms around her and clutching her to him roughly. As he held her crushed to his body, she pushed him back for a moment more
“Toni called earlier and said that they were going to try to rescue us around four this afternoon,” she told him, breathlessly. “so we have until then to satisfy the evil rage that is possessing us. And that time will have to last us a life time.”
“Oh, God, Mother,” he moaned, strongly sweeping her 125 pound frame up into his arms.
Staggering slightly, he quickly carried her across the living room. With her arms wrapped around his neck, she nibbled and chewed on his ear as he carried back her to his bed.
Wayne gently lowered her down onto the bed and stood looking down at her for several moments.
“What’s wrong?” she asked, wondering why he had stopped,
“Is something wrong?”
“God, No,” he grimaced, “I was just thinking about beautiful you are.”
“Oh, Silly,” she simpered, blushing slightly.
Wayne quickly leaned down and peeled her gown apart, revealing her bare body underneath it. He had never really seen her completely naked before and it nearly took his breath away. She was indeed beautiful.
While the night before had been a touch and feel experience, all of her radiant beauty was now on display before him. Raking his eyes down her body, he saw that her big, white breasts were still oozing milk. Amazed by the size and circumference of her beautiful breasts, he felt his cock lurch with excitement as he saw that they were still streaming milk. But as beautiful and full as her breasts were, he couldn’t keep his eyes from being drawn down to fur shrouded mystery of her soft underbelly. Down to where the inlet to her soul lay hidden under the soft, curly forest of pubic hair. Down to the place of his origin. Down to the deep, dark, secret place that was so forbidden.
Staring down at her, he could see the indentation of that holiest of holy places. He had to see it up close. He had to feast his eyes on the magical cavern of flesh that had been his home so long ago. That place that had once been able to hold his whole body inside its warm, protective depths, now could only hold his big, thick cock. Dropping to his knees, Wayne tentatively reached out and gently forced his mother’s long, lovely legs apart. As her perfectly shaped thighs parted, he watched the secret, hidden core of her love wound wetly spread open. He felt his cock lurch dangerously as he marveled at the thick, heavy lips of flesh surrounding his mother’s secret grotto.
“Oh, God,” he whispered as the full, swollen lips of her vagina gaped open revealing the wet, pinkness inside. He couldn’t stop himself. He bent down, thrusting his face into the burning wetness of her hot, wet cunt. Breathing in the wickedly pungent musk of her womanhood, he reveled in its odor. Her ripe, unwashed aroma enveloped him, exciting and provoking him to devour her waiting womanhood.
“Oh, Yes, Baby,” she cooed as his mouth descended on her and his tongue dove inside her pussy.
Reveling in the piquant, biting taste of her dripping gash, he drove his tongue into the wet, fleshy opening . Overwhelmed by the smell and taste of her, he buried his face in her pussy, eagerly teasing and tormenting the soft, pithy gash. “Oh, Baby,” she muttered again, pressing his face down into her slavering cunt.
Rubbing his face in her pussy until it was covered with her sex perfumed juices, he hungrily devoured her. Licking and lapping at her, he quickly sought out her clitoris.
As his tongue found it and flicked over it, he felt his mother arch her back, thrusting her pussy up into his face. As his tongue flitted over the jutting hardness of her little man in a boat, he could her groan with approval.
His mother’s smooth, slick clit was huge, he thought as he sucked it into his mouth. It was twice as big as the clits of the girls he had had sex with at school. Almost mad with passion, he attacked the jutting core of her femininity with a vengeance. He could feel the muscles in his mother’s thighs tense and harden as he sucked and flicked her clitoris. Sensing that she was rapidly nearing an orgasm, he moved his tongue faster and faster. Then as his mother writhed under his attack, he nipped her clitoris with his teeth. Sucking her bulging clit between his teeth, he held it there and tortured it with his tongue.
“Oh, God, ohgod, Oh, God, ogodododgooddooooofukkkkimmmmcummminnnggg,” he heard her wail as her whole body began to shake and writhe. As she climaxed, Wayne watched in amazement as two tiny streams of milk began spurting from her hard, jutting nipples. Never in his wildest dreams could this have happened. He couldn’t believe that he eating his mother and watching her tits shoot out milk all over everything. Excited beyond belief, he kept his mouth plastered down on his mother’s jerking cunt as she rode out the wonderment of her orgasm. He kept sucking and nipping at her clitoris for a full minute more until her muscles finally relaxed and her body dropped back to the bed.
Softly releasing his lip lock on his mother’s clitoris, he lovingly kissed the swollen labiums surrounding her drooling pit for several moments.
Finally, he stopped and crawled onto the bed. Lying down at his mother’s side, he gently lifted her leg and curving his body around hers, slipped his huge cock into her hot, wet cunt.
“OH, Yessss,” he heard her sigh as he slowly slid his thick, throbbing cock into the hot, clinging wetness of her cunt, “Baby fuck Mommy.”
It was all he could do to keep from cumming immediately as he drove his cock into her all the way to the hilt. Then, grinding himself into her, he held his cock inside the clutching, squeezing heat of her vagina as he bent down and began to suck on her breast. Her breast, already primed by her orgasm gave up its sweet, thick burden freely. Hungrily sucking and pulling on her nipple, he was quickly rewarded with a mouthful of her creamy, rich milk. Nothing tasted as sweet, as delectable as the foamy, thick sap flowing from her breast. Suddenly, he found himself jealous of his little sister, Marie. Marie got all of his mother’s milk she wanted and after today, he would have no more.
Hungrily swallowing a mouthful of her milk, he continued to suck and draw on her breast until the flow of milk slowed and stopped.
Sadly, he let the depleted pap slip out of his mouth and gave the barren breast one last kiss. Unwrapping his body from around hers, he withdrew his great, swollen mancock out of her weeping vagina. Gently lowering her leg to the bed, he scooted back away from her. “Oh, Baby, don’t take it out,” she begged, reaching for him, “Put it back in Mommy, Please.”
Acknowledging his mother’s appeal, he crawled up between her widely outstretched legs. Reaching down, he grabbed his giant, bobbing cock and eagerly guided it back down to the oozing, leaking gash between his mother’s smooth, firm thighs. Hurriedly fitting the bulbous head of his cock back into her waiting socket, he grunted and shoved his cock into her all the way to the hilt.
“Unhhhhh, Yes, baby, fuck Mommy,” he heard her groan as he rapidly withdrew himself and in rapid succession impaled her six or more seven times .
Then he suddenly drew his cock out of the drenched channel of her cunt.
“Oh, baby, put it back in Mommy,” she beseeched him,
“please, baby.”
Ignoring her, he crawled up and lay down on her other side.
Lifting her long, perfectly shaped leg, he curled his body around her again and reinserted his great, purple-headed monster back down into the fiery depths of her cunt. “Oh, Yes, baby, fuck Mommy,” she groaned again as he bent down and sucked her other nipple into his mouth. In no time, her milk was again flowing into his mouth. He felt like he was drowning in the honeyed richness of the gushing river of milk. But even though he was drowning in its abundance, he couldn’t get enough of the thick, bubbly liquor to quench the burning desire for his mother. He had to posses her totally. Conquer her and make her his willing love slave for eternity. He had to have all of her for his own. How could he share her with anyone? He had to have all of her. Her breasts, her milk, her pussy, her mouth, her ass, her body, her love. He had to have it all. Then abruptly, her breast stopped giving milk. Sucking as hard as he could, he couldn’t revive the wellspring of the delicious nectar.
“Oh, baby, you’re sucking too hard,” his mother moaned.
Spitting out her drained papilla, he roughly jerked his cock out of her.
“Oh, honey, put it back it, Mommy,” she begged him.
Dropping her leg, he crawled over her leg and scrambled up between her long, tanned legs. Grabbing his huge cock again, he guided it back into her waiting wetness once again. Lunging at her, he drove himself into as deeply as he could.
“Oh, yes, baby, fuck, Mommy, fuck, Mommy,” she cried out, accepting him completely.
Wayne became a mad man as he fucked her with brutal, deep strokes. His clenched ass was bouncing up and down like a car with bad spring on a bad road. His essence, his spirit, his total consciousness flowed down to his huge driving penis. He became the thick, heavy cylinder of rock hard muscle and blood. He could feel every sensation as his heavily veined body plowed in out of his mother’s hot, clinging cunt. In and out, in and out, he drove himself into her again and again. Time stopped as he and his mother fucked and fucked. He had become a mindless cock whose only purpose in life was to bring pleasure to his mother and her hot, sucking cunt. As he hammered himself into her with boundless energy, he was rewarded when he felt her body jerking under him as she climaxed. Not slowing a beat, he continued to attack her with his cock without a pause. He didn’t know how long since her last orgasm, but suddenly he felt her quiver and jerk into her second orgasm, but he kept on pounding his cock into her tirelessly. He had never had such energy and endurance. He had never felt such power. Such total domination. Such love. On and on he went. Untiringly, he drove his cock into her battered, bruised cunt.
Finally, after his mother’s fifth orgasm, he felt the pool of liquid fire in his balls begin to churn heavily. He wanted to fill his mother’s burning, hot, clutching depths with his flaming cum. He wanted to fill her with importance. Make her pregnant with his child. Possess her in every way possible. Possess her mind. Possess her body. Invade her body and leave it possessed by his defiant seed.
“Cum, baby, cum in Mommy’s cunt, cum, baby, cum in Mommy,” he heard his mother urging him on.
Suddenly, he felt his cock explode inside his mother’s clenching, squeezing, milking cunt. Pleasure, so pure and intense it hurt, burst upon his brain filling him with agony and ecstasy at the same time.
“OFUKGODCUMNMOTHRTOMCHGNDIE,” he blabbered out unintelligibly as his huge cock spurted and spewed out it potent load of semen into his mother.
He felt he had died and gone to heaven as he lay atop his mother filling her to overflowing again and again. His whole body was jerking and convulsing and he deposited load after load of thick, viscid into her absorbing, sucking cunt.
“OHFUKNGOD,” she wailed as her body was once again consumed by the unholy fires of yet another orgasm. Their bodies fought and clashed together as their minds shot off into a world of hot, sharp pleasure so all consuming, they felt they were staring death in the eye.
At last, there was nothing left and they collapsed. Wayne awoke dazed and dead tired. Yawning, he stretched and wondered why he felt so groggy. Then he found his mother lying beside him, still wrapped in his arms. Smiling drunkenly, he gently gave her a loving hug. “Whahuh,” she sputtered, her eyes flying open.
A fleeting look of bewilderment fluttered across her face as she saw that she was lying with her son. Then, she smiled. It was a happy, contented smile. Leaning forward, she gave him a soft, loving kiss on his lips.
“Hello, Lover,” she whispered.
“I love you, mother,” “I love you, too.”
Stretching, she rolled away from him. He reached for her again, wanting to pull her back into his arms.
“Oh, My, goodness,” she yelped, looking down at her watch. “It’s two o’clock. The Army will be here any time now.”
“Oh, Crap,” Wayne complained, “Can’t we have another quickie?”
“No,” she said emphatically, sitting up.
Wayne watched on hungrily as his mother’s great, pendant breasts jiggled and shook.
“Can I have some more milk then?” “Let’s get everything loaded up and we’ll see.”
Jumping up, Wayne rushed around the cabin and out to the jeep for the next hour. Finally, he had it loaded. Walking back into the cabin, he saw his mother standing at the sink with her back to him. “What are you doing, Mother?” he asked her, stepping up behind her.
“Oh, I was just fixing you a little snack,” she said, turning around.
Wayne grinned widely as he saw his mother’s blouse was unbuttoned and spread open. Her big, beautiful breasts jutted out heavily, wiggling and jiggling enticingly.
“Want some?”
Bending down, he quickly sucked one giant, bulging nipple into his mouth. Sucking and pulling on it, he had to wait for several moments before her breast began to give up its rich, thick load of milk.
Slurping loudly, he sucked and sucked until the flow of milk stopped. Quickly spitting it out, he searched for the other nipple, but his mother pushed him away.
“I’m sorry, baby,” she told him, “But I have to save some for Marie.”
Disappointed, he lifted both of her big, heavy breasts. Squeezing them lovingly, he gave both of the jutting, protuberant nipples a kiss.
“But,” she smiled vulgarly, “I would like some of your cream.”
“What, what, uh, huh,” he blubbered foolishly as his face reddened brightly.
“I mean I would like to suck on your gigantic cock,” she smiled, dropping to her knees in front of him.
“God, Mother,” he blushed, looking down at her in disbelief, “your embarrassing me.”
“Oh, Come, on baby,” she laughed, unthreading his belt and opening his pants. Wayne was in shock as he stared down at her. She looked back up at him and quickly jerked his pants and shorts down. As she did, his long, thick cock flopped out into the open.
“God, I can’t believe how big you are,” she groaned. Wrapping her hands around its impressive girth, she quickly lifted it and sucked the great purple head into her mouth. Hungrily, she began to suck on it as she roughly stroked the shaft of his rapidly hardening penis. Sucking more and more of his cock into her mouth, she lovingly cupped his great dangling balls in her other hand. He couldn’t believe what was happening right before his eyes. His mother, on her knees in front of him, had already sucked nearly half of his eleven inch cock into her hot, wet, sucking mouth. Even though he had cum more in the past night and day than he had in the last six months, he could already feel his scrotum tightening in preparation of a massive explosion. “Oh, God Mother,” he groaned as she continued to gnaw and suck of her son’s cock.
Just then, he faintly heard the whop, whop, whop of a helicopter in the distance. It must be the Army coming for them.
Then his mother began to roughly squeeze his balls and tickle his scrotum with her long, sharp fingernails. He could feel his load of semen in his balls begin to boil threateningly.
He couldn’t last much longer. But he didn’t know if he could beat the helicopter rushing toward them. Suddenly, his mother dug her finger up into his asshole and he felt his cock jerk explosively.
“WATCHOUTMOTHERCUMMINGGGGG,” he bellowed loudly as his cock erupted inside his mother’s mouth.
She didn’t hesitate as she swallowed his impressive load of thick, hot semen. Sucking hungrily, she continued to suck on his erupting cock as the sound of the helicopter grew louder and louder.
Finally, his cock stopped spewing out its load as the sound of the helicopter filled the cabin with its loudness. Leaning back, his mother let his giant penis slither out of her mouth. Looking up at him, she winked as he helped her get to her feet.
“Deeelicious,” she smiled.
Wayne quickly jerked his pants up and buttoned them as his mother buttoned her blouse. Once they were presentable again, his mother took his hand and they walked out onto the porch. Staring up at the helicopter, they saw two soldiers looking out the door at them as the chopper hovered above them.
“ARE YOU OKAY?” they heard someone in the helicopter say over the chopper’s loud hailer.
Looking at each other, they smiled knowingly. As she stared into his eyes for a moment, he saw her tiny, pink tongue dart out and lap up a tiny dab of his semen that had dribbled out of her mouth. Suddenly, he saw her wink at him and felt her fingernail scratch at the palm of his hand. The sheer wickedness of her act sent a bolt of electricity shoot through his cock. He couldn’t believe this was happening.
Grinning back her drunkenly, he slowly raised his hand with his thumb extended showing the helicopter crew that they were okay. Holding hands, they for the helicopter to land. Did this mean that his mother had reconsidered her ultimatum? Would they continue to be lovers when they returned to civilization? What did their future hold? What would become them? Who knows, he wondered, only time would tell…………..
The end (……….maybe)